A Man Is Thirsty (Redux)

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

A man who finds himself stranded in the middle of the desert only has two choices: stay at the risk of helplessness, or move on in search of a way out. In contrast to modern times, a man can stay put in the comfort of his home with necessities arriving at his doorstep - all just by using an app. When he goes out, he has to deal with the inconvenience of accidents, speeding tickets, and people trying to push their beliefs on him.

Image source: etwoo from Deviantart.

But this will never stop his impetus for adventure. He goes out regardless, just like the rest of the world, rolling with the punches. Results vary. What does he seek for, and why does he find a need for motion? Perhaps a sense of movement is all he needs. He seeks knowledge. He seeks to understand. He earns money to keep his crowns and calories in check. He socialises around to pass time and to leave his mark in others. He steps out the door to find the proverbial oasis.

He steps out, braving the elements - dissecting every shape, form, perspective.

In his little skirmishes and shenanigans, he began imitating others and started to develop a taste for a variety of memes just by virtue of being a busybody. Work. Love. Cats. Dogs. Families. Babies. He stopped to think. Why babies? He rolled out his trusty pen and a piece of paper, scribbling out arrows and boxes that resembled a shitty looking logic diagram. He adjusted his pants, and firmly concluded that babies are here to extend the lineage of families, propelling generations after generations into the future. But does it stop there? The whole scenario screamed - "So what?"

Image source: Camille-Besneville from Deviantart.

He further concluded that our baby making tendency is one of the only ways to participate in mankind's unspoken experiment. Civilisation. But that's never anyone's reason! He could never find any convincing answers. Why do people want to have babies? Not a single person with babies can actually answer with certainty. Bing, bang, that's it? How rude for the newborn.

Is it all just for a sense of progression? Mankind has always been winging it after all, telling its offsprings to go figure it out for themselves. Just like his position, just like anyone's position. Disparate with no cohesion. Not very satisfied with his place in the desert, he began his march out into the wild just so that he could write a book that would one day become his life's work.

But first, he needs to get laid.

Author's note: This is a slightly edited piece of this fun little post from 11 months ago when the network was way smaller than it is now! Just my attempt to perfect something with sentimental value, at least for my experience on Steemit. Smiled like an idiot reading the comments given by @wingz, @anwenbaumeister, and @andrarchy back then lol. Also, I want to take this chance to clarify that this is certainly written for all kinds of genders in mind despite my use of masculine references.

Some music:-

There are 2 pages

It's true we just pretend we know what we're doing half the time

Oh and I am a parent myself. The biggest part of being a role model is simply by acting the part lol

Mad respect :)

Just doing my bit for the human race, I mean it would be a crime not to pass these genes on 😅

From the highest chair in the land: It is to every good citizens benefit to find another and bear child. For only through the act of parenthood is one able to fully realize their part of the greater good. Have you not seen the lonesome old wanderers, lusting for a soul to love. Have you not seen their eyes in pain for another. When one births a child they no longer lust this desire, for they have found their part in the greater good. (My attempt at fiction)

Sounds more like a directive :p haha

This is a brilliant mind setting description! Being a father i understand perfectly every word you wrote!

I'm not even a father, let alone holding on to commitments (with any other person). Glad it resonated with you :)

He can also choose to stop, lie down, and never get up again.

my preferred position
and good morning young man :-)

LOL i heard there's a bed made specifically just for such a position.

beds are overrated ^^

There it is... door No. 3

This resonates quite a bit with me because I find myself in a world where almost everyone wants to have kids, kids, kids. And the older folks fully expect me and others of my age to have kids. And I'm asking myself: "Is there no other purpose in life?" I have many other goals and I want to pursue them.

I'm of course fine with people wanting to have kids, but I'm not fine with society's pressure on young people to have kids. This can't be the default choice. It has to be one of many possible options.

Hey thanks for dropping by.. Tell me about it, not sure about other cultures but asian folks frequently encourage work work work, reproduce x3.. lol. But I guess it's just something universally relevant.. at least statistically, so much so that we just tend talk more about it in any social setting.

Ι think I've told you a thousand times . You are my FAVORITE writer on Steemit ❤❤❤❤❤

hey thanks @mariandavp :) btw am i seeing u in greece? :D

When are you coming??!! We need to make arrangements!!

On 23rd for 10 days :) some days would be filled up though

What??!!! And you didn't say anything! I was planning to invite you in August... send me your plans in chat to find common slots!

Nice existential story. I love the art!

I am glad in a way that I don't have these thoughts as I am a loner staying mostly at home with social anxiety :-P

About babies. I have not met a single adult who have given me intelligent response why they want to make babies.
I posted this once 10 months ago Editing was bad. I was still learning to write here.

Wish I can vote for it! Hmm social anxiety? like how.. I'm pretty antisocial, as in low energy.

Social anxiety as being uncomfortable when watched or looked at by more than one person. Also having difficulties with pretending in social situations to fit social expectations (inability for small talk, gender roles/games).

I am high energy ADHD with high inattention.

You are low energy? Considering how creative you are (with music and writing for example) I thought that you are high energy. I would not call you antisocial . It is very negative and often violent personality disorder in medical terms. Maybe rather dissocial. Unless you mean in informal way as anti-society :-)
Caring for betterment of humanity (interest in RBE etc) is very social! It is just that this society is anti human, inhumane.

Yeah bad choice of words there.. bleeped it out. Actually I don't even know why I said that, but I was thinking that I spend a lot of time alone and I don't mind at all. Comes with writing, djing, reading - I get pretty obsessed aboutstuff that interests me. Even I used to spend plenty of time solo dancing in the gym, and I actually enjoy it. It's just that I think I'm fine being social too.. hmm. Is it possible to mentally train oneself to "not giving any crap about what others think" and just "go with the flow" ? Or is the anxiety biological in some ways?

Too much logic? :D

Never too much logic haha
IMO, Psychological ability of not giving a crap was probably determined by bio-psycho-social influences and genes, but I think that it is possible to"train" ourselves not to give a crap but even having ability to consider such training has been also determined by our genetic-biological and environmental influences\experiences. In the end there is no such thing as free will. In my case, my loneliness is direct product of my unsustainable, negligence and abusive experiences in childhood. For a while I thought that it was my choice due to my character until I realised that it is just projection of many anxieties and some psychological disorders.

(btw is your chat working? I have been getting bad gateway since yesterday evening)

This writing is pretty well written, Thanks for sharing. This line was remarkable " But first, he needs to get laid. " :P

Just a cheap way to plant some shock value..

Haha Yeh, worked perfectly!

I liked the line but didn't find it all shocking :) Was waiting for it to be said.

Interesting story! And very blunt and direct with the last sentence. Nice touch.

Hahah just for shock value..

Great analogy and this clearly shows how going out to work, maybe a hardship to some but others have a burning desire to do it as there are people relying on them

This story is catchy, and inspiring, life and its challenges is very deep to fully understand, keep it coming.

sometimes i dont know if its courage to pave forward, or just plain foolhardiness ;)

An interesting take on man's venturing out. The puch line is ' he first has to get laid' !! LOL. The most carnal desire is the perfect drive for going out there and keeping on marching !

You are a master!. Thanks for publishing this edited version again. As a minnow who is just 5 days old, I would not have known about your previous article.

I tried my hand at writing my thoughts today in relation to a chain of thoughts triggered by my wildlife photograph. I would be honored if you can take a look and provide comments. Following you, Thanks.

can't describe how it was interesting to me
I have read it with sad music on my headphone it made it more interesting
thank you so much man really great

Haha sad music? What track is this

not track just Egyptian music that i was listening in my headphones and accidently saw your story and read it while listening
the music added more value and made me more interested lol

It was destined.. xD

hahaha yeah it was
came at the time

deep and profound, with a nice touch of humor. great job @kevinwong

That freaking ending ahahaha, bro you have me dying after such a nice thoughtful post. Have my follow, you earned it.

very very deep thoughts bro .. and yes he seriously needs to get some bed action. :D upvoted & resteemed

Very well built story my friend, keep up the good work.

I often wonder if we've changed perceptions as a society, become so selfish, that we forget what makes us truly happy
in the Abrahamic faiths, Abraham was promised descendants as numerous as the stars, to me that's kinda pointless, I prefer what king Solomon had

makes you wonder doesn't it? like, that was so appealing to him

imagine living in a desert, in anarchy, maybe you can really trust your family way more then outsiders in that situation, and sons, sons will wield a sword for you! you might build an empire!
or screw having kids and do some traveling, no one likes crying babies on airplanes

This is a prelude to my next long post. About post-nomadic stress disorder :)

nice bro, I will keep an eye out!

Haha you have quite a bipartisan stance on babies, by the way xD

how diplomatic of me aye xD

You are a legend, mr @kevinwong

I honor you.

I honor your family.

good DAY to you!

not sure about legend, but good day to you too!

a child should only be brought into this world with the knowing that there parents are fully commited to each other and will both be there to bring up there loved on throughout the childs life...far to many people these days have children and then a year down the line dont want anything to do with each other or the child...who suffers in the end- the child

have a bit of experince in that matter and still heartbroken from my situation

make the world a better place for our little ones, they are our future

who doesn't lol

Not me. I'm holy like that.

Wow...this post is deep. Got me reflecting...nice one @kevinwong...upvoted and following as always. I did my first post today...u can visit my blog & check them out...tks

True story great way of expressing. Upvoted your post VERY well done and keep it up.

Nice story worth reading. Everything to be started by somebody and they becomes our leaders.

Thank you for sharing it! It was interesting and at some points challenging for me to read it, thinking about the whole process we are in and what is the sense of it... I definitely think that all people here are trying to find a way out.. Thanks again for sharing :)

Great read. That punch line came unexpectedly at the end. You saved the best for last.

What an interesting take on why a man ventures out and keeps doing it. The puchline is 'he first needs to get laid' !! LOL . Funny. You are a master, Following you.
Thanks for publishing this edited version. As a minnow just 5 days old, I would not have come across this inspiring chain of thought otherwise.

I am mostly into wildlife and photography but tried out my hand at penning down a chain of thought inspired by one of my pictures. I would be honored if you can take a look and provide comments.

A minnow


LOl. But first he needs to get laid. Indeed. FYI...doing my pool route currently, got my headphones in...playing your music. ####### love it!

!off topic comment warning!
Thanks for your support. You have really made this fun for me and big group of others!
Screen Shot 2017-06-09 at 7.25.39 AM.png @kevinwong your up vote made my day today! #HF19 = Big Money

btw I have 5 kids...

Hah. I'll admit.. didn't expect the last line. lol.

had sex gif.gif

This was a quality story. Thank you for sharing this. ٩(^ᴗ^)۶

Gracias por esta historia!!! Una preguntas normalmente cuando quieres escribir algo como haces para encontrar la inspiración?

Great post bro. I will be following you. Please follow back @johnlue. Inlike your writing still. Continue tge good work..

Isn't this awesome?

yeap always helps to get laid first

A real interesting story, @kevinwong, wow!

Good post. thanks @kevinwong

Someone who wants to succeed must try, without effort all it is a dream

A captivating read. Although the ideas seem random, they managed to weave an interesting story. Enjoyed reading your posts.

So many questions, and so many answers. Keep turning the page @kevinwong :)

"But first he needs to get laid." LOL!!!!

Loved the ending. How did you come up with the idea to write it?

@kevinwong thats so awesome article it deserve my upvote and i am following you i am a little writer but not as you can you check my new story and encourage me if you think so


go with the punches

good stor 👍 @kevinwong

Ok i've just adjusted my pants, developed few more memes, made few babies.. fuuuh and can finally reply.

But to be serious.. i'm convinced that people should look first for children who lost their families before making new. If i ever decide to have a child i'd rather adopt from orphanage.
Cause there are so many who seek for family.
Or maybe im weird :P

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