How To Make Your Weaknesses In To Your Top Weapon

in #writing8 years ago

Some things are better left untold. I know some of you here really cramp and cringe when you see a user posting a video instead of an article. “Woe on us the marketers will ruin everything.”You know just a vlogger trying to brake in the “perfect writing space.” Well this may be funny but that would be equal to of the horse and buggy people would try to stop the industrial revolution and stay in front of steam engines and cars in order to stop them from being. So you need to admit video is a better midium.

You Still Have Some Time To Change

However until the search engine becomes so intelligent…We will still need words. How can a search engine “read” a video and place it in a certain category? Now it’s only possible because of the text description. But believe me the day is coming and could be very soon, when the last 5 minutes I spent writing this paragraph will be a complete waste. So I can’t tell you right now how it would be that people can just look at a screen or open a certain file and all the meaning will be somehow translated in their heads. But it’s coming.

Writing As You Know It Will Be Extinct

So if you are a writer and especially a non specialty writer your profession will be put under extinction and your kind will have to be protected with a government regulation if that’s even necessary. Hmm…some of you are really skeptical and think I am full of baloney. But so did the yellow pages people and the newspaper people when the internet became popular. They thought it’s just a fad. It will certainly soon go away and everyone and their grandma will be lifting a 10 pound yellow page to look up their local barber.

The Yellow Pages People Are Crying

Well if any of them are still around they are crying as I type this cause it’s still so romantic in their ears. See romanticizing any kind of work will make you blind to the reality that this kind of work will not be needed any longer. So If I was you and I kind of am since I am writing here I will be sharpening my video skills and podcast skills. I think vocal communication and face expressions are far from being abundant. Maybe that will happen also in the next 100 years.

A Video is Worth a Million Words

But for right now I think the audience is a lot more likely to see a video or listen to a podcast than just read an article. That’s the reason why if you write an article it has to be all spaced out and with many many small paragraphs and subheadings. Attention span is in play here. The visual media and the internet as a whole is just training your audience for “free” how not to pay attention to your blurb.

Attention Deficit Is At Top High And Is A Choice And Not A Disease We Are Trading Attention

Watch TV look at the iPad and maybe glance at your “special” article. Well you’ve got about 2 seconds that’s it. Really? Really. So what is the answer. The answer is evolve with the media change. I see that this “medium” will be taken be the video ads people and the vloggers. So you can wait and just lay in your achievements of writing craftsmanship or shape up and get skilled at the other mediums. Make your weaknesses your advantage.


You should consider including a source for your images. Including a source not only gives credit to who made the images but shows you put time and effort into making your post. This may make people more likely to vote on it.

If images are Public Domain or CC0 you could just indicate that at the end of your post. All photos are Public Domain for example.

Finding the original source isn't necessary. A link to where you found it will do.