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RE: Why Most People Suck At Writing

in #writing7 years ago

The greatest gift we can teach a person is "how" to think. We all assume we already know how. Usually, in almost every academic setting, we are only taught the information; we are told "what" to think. The mind is a muscle and thoughts, idead, concepts and images are the different kinds of mental activity, like weights at the gym. Thinking well takes effort and practice. We will never think well on accident because thinking and feeling about anything is by choice which is a function of our will; our will is our personal power to make things happen. If we live on autopilot, dragged around by thoughts and feelings you do not consciously and perposefully choose, we can live under the "power" of someone or something which is not what we want or who we are, and it can leave the inner realm of the heart and mind in a helpless state of boredom, frustration and restlessness. Great post. Happy thinking:)


I can't stop watching this....ahahahaha...Booyakahshaaaa!!!