The Sky May Be Falling - But It Is Only A Storm - Don't Let These Dark Days Cloud Your Mind

in #writing7 years ago

Photo: Pixabay
As more people become aware that something just isn’t quite right in the world, the police state has gone into overdrive to counteract this growing resistance to the status quo. We will be the first to admit, that the growing police and surveillance states are only a piece of the many serious issues that must be faced by our species. However, we also see many reasons to feel optimistic about the future of humanity.

The more aware the populace becomes, the more frantic the media, government, and corporate partners become. Their whole scam is dependent upon their control over the human consciousness, and that control is beginning to unravel. This is the equivalent to someone in a debate screaming ad hominem attacks when faced with an argument superior to their own.

When a thief or liar is exposed you often see them act out in verbal or even physical aggression. It is not unusual for guilty parties to act outraged about accusations against them and then to paint the victim as a villain. This is exactly what has been playing out in the macrocosm of geopolitics, as more and more people are becoming aware of their enslavement. As the leaders and authorities are exposed as illegitimate, the establishment is lashing out with all their might.

History is full of societies and empires collapsing and rebuilding. If the people of today are willing to work together and cooperatively face adversity, they may be able to weather any potential storm and emerge stronger than before. There is no doubt that we are in the midst of a storm that has been raging for centuries, and the intensity of that storm is growing by the minute. We have every reason to make any and all preparations that we deem to be necessary, but we should not be consumed by fear to the point where we are considering violence or nihilism. The reason why there is so much fear surrounding the downfall of the state is because people have grown detached from their communities and have lost their ability to be self-sufficient.

With that being the case, the first step towards overcoming that fear and preparing for the oncoming storm is to get more familiar with your community and start thinking about ways in which you can expand your skills and knowledge. Growing food, getting to know your neighbors, establishing community study groups, and learning about off the grid solutions are just a few ways to strengthen your family and your community, as living standards continue to deteriorate. (In our next book we plan to elaborate on ideas for building off the grid community solutions.)

There seems to be a fascination with talking about “the end of America” or the end of the world. Some people believe everyone alive today would somehow forget all we have learned as a species and return to pre-industrial living conditions simply because the government and their fiat currency failed. This is completely false and ignores the ingenuity of the human mind. While we are still dealing with the dictatorship of the State, we must remain vigilant and not become overwhelmed with what they throw at us, this is exactly what they are trying to provoke.

The establishment wants us paralyzed with fear so they can prevent us from making any moves that might rock the boat. We cannot row the boat to safety without rocking it, so we must find the courage within ourselves to make waves instead of sitting around waiting for the boat to row itself or waiting for the deranged captain to rescue us.

We can and must recognize the injustices taking place in our world today. We can and must identify the mechanisms and people behind these injustices. We must not be scared into thinking that the status quo is our only option, or that we are fighting a losing battle. Defeatist attitudes will prevent us from making any real progress. While we should remain aware of the dangers posed by the oppressors, we should not fear them. If we combine education with action and work to dismantle the lies, violence, and fear we can regain control of our own lives and liberate ourselves from this Matrix.

This was a selction from my book with Derrick Broze "Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion" which can be found on Amazon, or at the link in my bio below.

My name is John Vibes and I am an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. I write for numerous alternative media websites, including The Free Thought Project @tftproject and The Mind Unleashed. In addition to my first book, Alchemy of the Timeless Renaissance, I have also co-authored three books with Derrick Broze @dbroze : The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality, Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion and Manifesto of the Free Humans

I just won a 3-year-long battle with cancer, and will be working to help others through my experience, if you wish to contribute to my medical bills, consider subscribing to my podcast on Patreon. 

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Many more people need to read what you write. Thank you for this!
And I am so happy you won the great battle. Wish you lots of health!

Yes, I too have noticed that the media etc. are getting more frantic. That could be interpreted as a somewhat good sign. I'm personally on the pessimistic side of things, probably because I live in a highly fanatic statist area, of a generally statist country. I hope I am misguided by this perception and in other parts of the world there will be more freedom-oriented communities.

Great Excerpt!

Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
Relevance: sharing the truth
Our Purpose

The reason why there is so much fear surrounding the downfall of the state is because people have grown detached from their communities and have lost their ability to be self-sufficient.

Spot on. Great piece man. Sounds like I should read this book.

This was the first thing I read this morning and I'm glad because it was positive. It's too easy to feel overwhelmed with everything that is happening in the world (particularly when you start to realise that it's not an accident) but you are spot on about doing the things we can to make things better rather than having a defeatest attitute. I see you linked a PDF copy of the book you took this from in the comments section. Thanks for that. I'll check it out later.

I hope you enjoy it, this book was my attempt at easing some of the pain that comes along with "waking up"

When a thief or liar is exposed you often see them act out in verbal or even physical aggression. It is not unusual for guilty parties to act outraged about accusations against them and then to paint the victim as a villain. This is exactly what has been playing out in the macrocosm of geopolitics, as more and more people are becoming aware of their enslavement. As the leaders and authorities are exposed as illegitimate, the establishment is lashing out with all their might.

This needs to be made bold and centered. :) How do you center text on Steemit anyway? You don't have to answer that if you don't want to.

Seriously though, so this is happening across the board then? It's not just government, law enforcement, legal or their subsidiaries. It's health care, education and more too then....

Interesting. It makes sense though that this is happening across the board. More people are waking up, choosing alternate means of doing things (genuine gift economy, self-sustaining habits, crytpocurrency, email providers out of their home country's jurisdiction and more...)

It's a good thing to see people waking up. Most people are not prepared.

I just got done watching the 9 commentaries on the Chinese communist party and couldn't help but notice the similarities in the U.S.

This exert from your book really reminds me of the same thing. If we can notice the tactics of our government in comparison to the ccp we can begin to address the issues head on.

In some strange way, the manipulators of this world have a huge part to play in the eventual evolution of our society. The light and the dark dualities both drive us forward and the cabal have brought us to a crossroads of questions that now demand answers. In the longterm I have great faith in humanity .. as a species we need to wake up and the elite's are doing a great job at waking the sleeping giant.