Some Thoughs On The Paradox Of Success And Human Happiness

in #writing7 years ago (edited)


Success is an interesting concept, and something that seems fairly subjective with no clear definition. I've spoken with people who have money but feel unsuccessful because they aren't well respected, I've spoken with well respected people who feel unsuccessful because they don't have any money.

There are people out there who have both money and respect yet still feel unsuccessful because they have not yet achieved some random goal they set for themselves.

It is obvious that this is some strange mental trap that we have fallen into in society, where many of us set impossible standards of happiness for ourselves. I don't think that this trap was created intentionally, but is a natural development in culture that has been caused by generations of twisted values.

For so long, in most places throughout the world, we have placed value on wealth and status, regardless of how these positions were achieved, instead of placing value on how someone interacts with others and the world around them.

Considering that wealth and status are considerable rare things to have, many people spend their whole lives betting their happiness on a dream that may never come.

Then, for those among us who are lucky enough to achieve these arbitrary goals, they typically find that they still aren't happy and many times end up feeling more empty than ever, because the dream that they chased all along was not what they imagined it would be.

Whats worse, is that many people sacrifice love and friendships on their ride to top, and it isnt until they reach that plateo where they realize that those relationships were the secret to true happiness.

Im not trying to make a point about this, just calling attention to the weirdness of it all.


My name is John Vibes and I am an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. I write for numerous alternative media websites, including The Free Thought Project @tftproject and The Mind Unleashed. In addition to my first book, Alchemy of the Timeless Renaissance, I have also co-authored three books with Derrick Broze @dbroze : The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality, Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion and Manifesto of the Free Humans

I just won a 3-year-long battle with cancer, and will be working to help others through my experience, if you wish to contribute to my medical bills, consider subscribing to my podcast on Patreon

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First of all i really want to salute you because you really learned to fight in life from the age of 3 and you have won, and yes this post need some discussion, means everybody have his/her own values towards an successful life and his achievements, but truth is different we are the beings who cannot live idol means we need an action all the time means if one task is completed then we need an new task because that's how we are made and always remember, the true treasure of life is relationships because they will give value to your successful or unsuccessful life and what is success without family or relationship. So if you really want to be an successful human being first try to be an human being, means take care of your family and your relations, take care of your fellow people who live around you if there is no one to look after him/her, take care of children who don't have enough food to eat if you have more than what you need, take care of those mothers and fathers whose children left them in an old age home, you can visit for one day at least to spread the smile on their faces, we will die today or tomorrow, spread love and kindness because your love and kindness will stay in this air not your money and status. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

I appreciate the kind words, just to be clear, I had cancer for the past three years and now its gone, I didnt have it since I was 3 though, that would have been really bad

Thank you :-)

Sorry for that, i misread it, thanks for correcting me. 🙂

I went through the chasing money phase & thank GOD I got some money while I was young. That helped me realize early on that there is much more to life than money. Relationships are where success is at for me.

Success is an interesting concept, and something that seems fairly subjective with no clear definition. I've spoken with people who have money but feel unsuccessful because they aren't well respected, I've spoken with well respected people who feel unsuccessful because they don't have any money.

Really this show that success stretches to the boundary if one's vision,goals or purpose in life..
There are lot of rich people out there that feel regret at tail end of their lives because they feel they didn't do what mattered the most in their lives.

Happiness is the ultimate goal of our self. Our ego seeks happiness to reward itself. Feeling happy is good. Love is the everlasting possession of the good.

I think most of our labels learned from society, like successful, gay, crazy, are all just temporary actions of a human being. That society and it’s expectations make you want to live up to your own fallacy. I think the most successful people are never satisfied, that’s why they don’t stop working to achieve, but one day they can and will. Everything has a beginning and an end.

to me success is being content with the life your living and not wanting more and more.

That's basic human nature. You always want something more. There is no destination that will be satisfactory for humans, that's why we need to enjoy the journey..

Yeah. You are right. Good thinking. Actually its common intention to fill up dream. If a dream filled, then set another one to complete. So, how can they live with happiness. They know, Happiness depend on satisfaction, but nobody remain it. Everybody know but don't believe it.

Good read. I believe the real reason so many people have seemingly insatiable goals/desires is because of how disconnected from the natural world our society has become in this modern era. Feeling connected to other people, animals, and plants and understanding that everything and everyone serves the whole in a unique way is the first step in reaching a blissful state of mind. Love and respect and admiration are feelings that cannot be purchased. This idea of individualism - the pursuit of goals pertaining to self-interest alone has to be replaced with an idea of cooperation and protection of all living things. When you learn to share you will be rewarded with an incredible feeling of self satisfaction. The benefactor of whom you’ve helped will then naturally feel the desire to help someone or something else when presented with an opportunity to do so. Predatory capitalism, the insatiable desire for ever increasing wealth and power are the epitome of evil intentions that need to be abolished now before those in the highest echelons of society depopulate this planet to remain in control as more and more people wake up to the true reality that persists today. Love, respect, and empathy for all and as always seek the truth my friends.

interesting article but I think you have to first define 'success.' A Buddhist monk wouldn't describe success in the same way as a wall street trader, or a writer, or an athlete. So what does success even mean? Are we talking about monetary success? If so, why would we assume that success = happiness if every major religion (ie -- "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.") not only warns us against this connection, but actually implies that wealth is actually in conflict with happiness, holiness, and an afterlife?

Your reply made me think of this quote: “People were created to be loved, things were created to be used. The reason why the world is in chaos is because things are being loved, and people are being used.”

sounds like thick nhat han or the dali lama.. who's the quote from?

Unknown author to my knowledge.

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