You might not notice it or see it by reading all my posts that i do religiously and rigorously every single day, but I am a woman ruled by distraction and whim. From working out and breakfast on I'm a mess of shiny objects catching my eye and indulging fantasy and dopamine.
It has taken me years, I'm not lying, years, to get to the point where I work out every day and then write. Years! I've started, stopped, and dropped the pen and keyboard for nine months at a time. But now I'm keeping it going because I've developed the habit and the drive to do what I am doing every single day. I'm sitting on the couch with laptop on my legs under the blanket and wiggling my toes while silence or music plays in the background.
Yes there are days that I'm watching Netflix or some movie in the background, and I think my writing slowed down and suffered as a result. That is why I do most of my writing in the morning now immediately after breakfast because I usually have the place to myself and have no fear from distraction other than my own whimsy.
Today I spent considerable amount of time looking at new layouts for my website. I have this dream of selling y books on my website (that gets no traffic) and selling a membership subscription similar to Kindle Unlimited for people to buy my books for one low cost. Then I can sell on amazon and all the other retailers as well, and put links to them in my website.
But no one goes to the website b/c there is no reason to. I'm cross posting on Steemit and my blog b/c there is an audience at steemit and not on my blog. Bummer. I'm thinking I should write an exclusive thing at my website that you can't get anywhere else and that will draw people.
You need to have an audience first. I'm lacking that and my author ranking on the zon is perpetually in the 1200 - 1300 range. I last hours in sub 1000 with my peak at 873. Ahh, that was a glorious day.
I'm looking at Preface wordpress theme and Digiseller for book selling formats. I think my site now isn't that good for showing off books and a range of them like I have now. It is more about reading content, which I haven't seen any traffic doing.
Got another 3000 words in today regarding Bree and Sergio. They made their way up to a scenic overlook and he is about to shove it in her butt. Good stuff.
I read this thing about "motion storytelling" about how you don't want to put, "she smiled" between your dialogue, but instead say, "her smile made her face light up while she adjusted her dress to cover more of her thighs." When you put motion in the text it is more interesting.
I find that i'm too specific in the details, too intent on minutia that makes some parts of my text less interesting. So my new focus for writing is to make my prose more action based with feelings and movement. I'm confident that with this focus and deliberate practice i'll improve my stuff so more people feel compelled to read and buy!
Can't wait for those reviews to come in!
It's weird but sometimes mind needs a sort of routines in order of having some moments for creating.
You can talk about distractions but... i think mind needs put all in a context until being able to come to a point of focussing.
Its like when you arrive work and spent some routine reading a couple of newspapers, the same twitter accounts,...after that mind is preparing for...
Ok mostly is lazyness too hahahaha :-)
a little of both perhaps? I think it is pumping the dopamine machines in your brain; you do what gives you pleasure.
Discipline is doing it even when the dopamine isn't there and forcing it to release.