road update!

in #writing7 years ago

Hello again, everybody! Updating once again from the road for you.


I'm awfully tired this time. I left my medication at home, and on the one hand, being without it seems to give me more energy, but on the other hand, I haven't been sleeping so well. Why did I leave it at home, you might ask? Well I just don't need it anymore, and I'm not sure I wanted it anymore, either. I seem to be losing weight, too, though there are many reasons for that, I'd say! I like losing weight. It's fun.

I haven't seen as many people on the road as I thought I might. It's strange. It's kind of lonely but all things considered, I think I appreciate being alone. I miss Lenore, though, and I miss my cat. Hey, people love pictures of cats, right? I have a picture I took of my cat before I left home. I'll share that with you all soon. Not this time. Something to look forward to! Oh, I should apologize for the messiness and overall weirdness of my post a few days ago. From Sunday, I mean. Like I said, I've been without the medication and I think that's had its effects, and just this general life on the road I'm leading, it takes its toll. I suppose it could be the culmination of life in general the last few years. Oh, I am such a mess! Everything is such a mess, so messy. Did you hear about the president?? Haha. Yes, I'm changing the subject. Not like I really want to talk about politics or the president, either . . . I don't know if I want to talk about anything, really. Why am I journaling, then? Who knows. I sure don't know. Some kind of safe human contact, I suppose. That rhymed. This is pathetic. Goodness.

A photo of my cat I left back home, soon! I promise you.

[image: wikimedia commons, public domain]