I can sound like Crocodile Dundee too, but I fear it would sound too racist. You're probably right that we'll feel this way no matter where we're born. I think this is a case of our brains just being wired this way. I'm sure Einstein and Tesla felt the same way. Yes, I'm comparing us to some of the greatest scientific minds in history.
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I love the comparison. Although you're Einstein and I'm Tesla. Always the maverick :)
Why can't we be both Tesla? Is it my hair? Did my hair make you think I'm more of an Einstein? I can be a maverick, too. E=M(I)C-what-you-did-there ;)
You out mavericked me. Now that's a thought - we are both Einstein and Tesla at the same time! Free energy for everyone.
And also, free strings for everyone across the multiverses!
Stringcoin - coming to an ICO near you :)
OR, it already has, and it has superseded even physical money :O
It's in two states at the same time - existence and non-existence.