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RE: Whole30 - Day 20 – Eat Monkeys, Eat!

in #writing7 years ago

Oh how I love you, adorable wastrel! You delight me and make me laugh. Also, I kid you not, I had my first fall-off-the-freaking-wagon yesterday. Yes! You heard that right! We both tumbled off into the shrubbery like loose pumpkins on the very same day! Someone needs to write a doctoral thesis on the percentage of people who just can’t hold it together on day 20 of a restrictive diet.

For me it was a slice of creamy fresh brie. I was making a toasted French bread sandwich for my son with brie and ham. I had maintained strict control for all those days leading up to that moment in time when I snapped. I had been to multiple parties where wine and a multitude of delicious things were served and had remained stolid. And then, as I sliced that brie, the little devil on my shoulder said “Imma gonna eat that.” And in it went. Chomp chomp swallow gone! And I felt no guilt, for some reason. I was like, “alrighty then, back to our regularly scheduled program. Nothing to see here, folks.”

I love your commentary about primate bonding, the powerful social aspects of food, and the wonderful suggestion to address that head on and fill the little gap formed by being a PITA about your food choices. I think we (collective we; those who are differently-fed) can very easily make the mistake of not acknowledging that aspect of things, and those little tensions and little hurts, unacknowledged, make it harder to remain true to your plan.


Really? The same day? That is really wild! Like you, I was immediately back to regularly scheduled programming. Like I said, no one died. Perfectionism is the enemy.....but of course I would say that as the dietary fallen angel that I am. Thanks for reading and commenting honey. Last 10 days here we come!!

Yes! 9.5 by my calculations. And then what? We get to add back in just one thing? I will have to choose between wine and beans. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha......,

I have to finish the book It Starts with Food so I know what to do next!