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RE: The Aquatic Human: Dissolving The Shackles Of Our Mind

in #writing8 years ago

Very creative post. Thanks for sharing.

Years ago, I did a 100 foot dive over the edge of the Cayman Trough. It drops off into a 25,000 foot abyss. It was an amazing experience.


Wow, did you have to train for the dive or did you already have freediving experience? That sounds awesome! Thanks for reading.

Sorry, I should have clarified that I was scuba diving, not free-diving. Do people actually do 100 foot free dives? That's insane. I guess you wouldn't need to decompress if you're not breathing compressed air.

That's correct. No air supply means no nitrogen saturation.The World records in most disciplines of Freediving are 100m+. So, around 300-350 feet. Insane.