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RE: in defense of smoking

in #writing7 years ago

That seems counter to YOLO, if you ask me.

If this is my only life, I want to live it for as long as possible and to be as healthy and fit as possible when age "catches up" so that I can enjoy my experiences for the longest time window that nature will allow.

Now, if YOLI (you only live infinitely), THEN we can piss away time and risk our lives, cuz it's only going to be followed by another one, and another, and another, forever.

If YOLO is the true outlook then fear will rule, because only one life in all of eternity is incomprehensibly valuable. If YOLI, then the moment is all that matters, because life is less than a dime a dozen.

And if YOLO is the truth, I want to have every chance to be still alive when the "fountain of youth" is discovered, that way I stand a chance to only live once, FOREVER!