When observed the field without plowing, when agricultural implements are forgotten, when the earth is broken and abandoned, I wonder: where will the hands of God?
When I observe injustice, corruption, which exploits the weak; when I see the pedantic prepotent get rich from the ignorant and poor, of the worker and peasant, lacking resources to defend their rights, I ask myself: Where may God's hands be?
When I look at that old lady forgotten; when her look is nostalgic and still babbles some words of love for the son who abandoned her, I ask myself: Where may God's hands be?
When I see the dying in his agony full of pain; when he observed his partner and their children wishing not to see him suffer; when suffering is intolerable and his bed turns into a cry of supplication for peace, I ask myself: Where may God's hands be?
When he looked at the young man before strong and determined, now dulled by drugs and alcohol, when i see shaky what was before a brilliant intelligence and now rags without direction or destination, I ask myself: Where may God's hands be?
When that little girl that should sound in fantasies, I see it drag their existence and in her face already reflected the weariness of living, and looking for survival, he paints the mouth and the dress and leaves your body to sell, I wonder: where will the hands of God?
When that little at three o'clock in the morning offers me his newspaper, his miserable little box of sweets without selling, when I see him sleep at the door of a hallway shivering, with a few newspapers covering his fragile little body, when his gaze I claim a caress, when loveo without hope wandering with the only company of a stray dog, I wonder: where will the hands of God?
And I confront him and asked, "Where are your hands, Lord? To fight for justice, to give a caress, a consolation to the abandoned, to rescue youth from drugs, to give love and tenderness to the forgotten", after a long silence I heard his voice that I claim:

"Did you realize that you are my hands, dare to use them for what they were made, to give love and to reach stars."
And I understood that the hands of God are "you and me", which we have the will, knowledge and courage to fight for more humane and fair unmundo, those whose ideals are so high that they may not be able to leave to go to the call of destiny, those who defy the pain, Criticism and blasphemy challenge themselves to be the hands of God.
Lord, now I realize that my hands are unfilled, who have not given what they should give, I ask forgiveness by the love you gave me and that I have not known how to share, should I use to love and to conquer the greatness of creation. _
The world need those hands, full of ideals and stars, whose work magna is to contribute from day to day to forge a new civilization, to seek out higher values, which generously share what God has given us and may in the end arrive empty, because this gave all the love, for which they were created and God will surely say:
Those are my hands!
Miguel Angel Cornejo
Today, the world is filled with empty hands, many we talked and we complained about bad situations that are observed in the environment, but we do nothing to change that,
To each one of us has been given us gifts that we must strengthen, through them we can generate a change in our society, in our circle of life, transcend in a positive way in people, in the form of experience, in his circumstance of life, in each and every one of the circumstances that may affect us
This I say goodbye, I hope you liked and interested in this post.
Thank you for your support as well as I tell them that they can count on my own, and so we will achieve a Great team
Until then.
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Account with that friend, ALTHOUGH NOT ALL
Nice post! Greetings!
Gracias compa.
Nice post! Greetings!