As I seat with thoughts flying around me, their intentions of course is to sting me with wisdom, the only remedy for my grief.
The roads I have traveled on the course to greatness, seems darkly stricken with hopelessness; shows no sign of celestial and cosmological favour. Of what destiny have I on this path that I still today tread?
As currents of thoughts keep swirling about me, waiting for the right time to attack me with wisdom, knowledge whispers softly as if to say “I can help” I still wonder on the generality of things amidst the meaningful specifics and thus miss such a whisper.
I have been a mediocre in many disciplines. Obviously, the highest level experience of what I can do without much stress is what can keep me out of my mediocrity.
I once had a voice that use to talk to me, gives me amazing strength and success in the activities that I call “my Hobby” a companion that never stopped talking when I get engrossed in activities that makes me forget about hunger and pain. This voice is what I call Talent.
Fortunately, the Father of Inventions (God) wrote this script in every living thing. In the fishes and other aquatic species, this script makes them perform well in a body of water; the birds perform well in a body of air, and Land animals perform well on land.
I have mine, you have yours… But where is my Talent?
O! How I have underestimated such energy. Life would be stress free if I could but use my Talent.
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Of course, I want to be THIS and THAT, but living another man’s life to be happy is totally not acceptable. The economy of my country Nigeria is bad because we have only one Dangote, also because we have more students in the NIGHT CLASS studying for their TEST& EXAMS compared to the student population found in the ENGINEERING WORKSHOP, LABORATORY and PERSONAL WORKSHOPS.
No ENGINEER wants to trap the THUNDER and LIGHTENING like Benjamin Franklin. No ENGINEER seeks to solve problems and find solutions to every dilemma like Thomas Edison. No individual is willing to have Fun molding, building or designing a prototype of INVENTIONS, OUTSTANDING INNOVATIONS…No not one!
OH! Is it Engineering alone? Of course not. No Scientist is willing to be like Alexander Fleming, willing to do all it takes to discover Penicillin. No Physicist is willing to dream like my Friend Albert Einstein and help me solve the problem of space and time…No not one.
No artist is willing to fully develop his TALENT and inspire people with his ART, his paintings of great proficiency because it is of TALENT. Where is the Leonardo Da Vinci of Africa or better still “Okon the Artist” Remember I have mine and you have yours.
OH! My Talents Why? Why have I forsaken you? Why have you forsaken me? Is it ‘cause of passions lost for illusions of a quest I embark on with no might? Is it because of uncertain positions of mental power I crave for exact nothingness? Of course I deserve to be punished, thrown away from the house of Greatness and dumped into the terrain of woe.
Of what use is such a life? I ask
The moons shine light to my paths all day, their might is to pave light streams thereon and make me see with visions bright, with nothing but Talent and empirical Faith. Of this rich source tap I my Talents same, for which to do my part in life and for ‘morrow victory see.
Oh! My Talents why?
OH! My Talents why? Cry I back to the Father of creation for new strengths?