Money Mistake 4:
Thinking about short-term only and forgetting about long-term or thinking about the long-term and forgetting about the short-term. For instance, tessy was told that there's money in land.
She saved money over a long period of time and bought 30 acres of land. Now she has the land but she is always broke. She is always complaining. She's disgruntled and she doesn't seem to see herself earning from the land in the near future.
Now, let's ask ourselves: Having 30 acres of land and no money to feed your family or take a child to hospital, is that wealth or poverty? I think tessy only looked at long-term needs and forgot that she has short-term needs that require money.
What of those who find they are one paycheck away from salary? Are they thinking about the long-term needs?
Let’s take stock of our finances. How many mistakes are you guilty of?
Do you now feel better-equipped to do better with these tips? Enjoy the journey , savers!