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RE: Monomaniacal (The only things I write about...)

in #writing11 months ago

<3 It's so good to see you.

Have you tried telling him all this? I imagine making yourself heard by someone like that can be hard (almost typed "heard" there xd), but if you manage to break through to him, maybe things will improve. I don't think anyone wants to be the reason someone else is dissolving. Or feels like it.

Alternatively, I'm not sure what the work etiquette is at your place, but could you get away with wearing headphones? "I really wanna listen to this" type thing? You don't have to actually listen to anything, of course, but it might invite some silence.

Needing silence is something that really resonates with me, so what you're going through sounds just... awful. Knowing what a gifted, brilliant writer you are makes it worse. I really think it's a shame for someone like you not to express themselves, so I really hope you find a solution.

Thank you for the kind words and the support, my dear. <3

Even that boogey man, he's just more grist for your mill.

That means a lot. Thank you.


If I said something, he'd brush it off or think I'm kidding. I've occasionally asked for silence in order to get something done, and it's lasted about 30 seconds. I'm afraid if I really got through to him, he would be seriously offended and it would make working so closely pretty awkward. I don't think he realizes how much he talks. For him, it's indistinguishable from thinking.

Headphones are out, because if I'm working in the back I need to keep an ear towards the front for customers. It's best when he's out front helping someone; the customer can absorb his talking and he's actually a great salesman. But if any more customers arrive, I need to go out there because he'll be too embroiled with the first to help anyone else.

The boss and I take turns having little mental breakdowns about it.

Who knows? I'm probably just using it as an excuse to not write as much as I'd like, which in the end is on me.

It's interesting that he hasn't come up against this problem before. You'd imagine someone would've pointed it out by now...

Who knows? I'm probably just using it as an excuse to not write as much as I'd like, which in the end is on me.

After all, a better focus point, whether it's true or not. Always better to look at the things you can change. So far, I find the need comes back in good time. To write. To put things down. So who knows?

Interesting choice of words there, though. "As much as I'd like". Not "want". So it's not you setting out a goal (as we sometimes do) to write, but expressing a desire to do so? Could it be there's some inner fear or uncertainty stopping you?
Maybe coming back to something that's natural feels weird after a long break?

(just trying to help here!) :)

Your help - and your example - do more than you know! <3