My Goal Is To Heal The World.
Honestly speaking, I haven't shared that much information about myself, my past or my dreams and goals in life. I've often talked about me, myself and I on Steemit... But not that often talked about my personal life. I have talked about the "Steemit me".
There are several reasons for that. One of them are because I've never really felt comfortable sharing too much personal stuff. A second reason is because it would most likely end up in a very long article with almost no rewards, like most articles.
Before you judge me based on that sentence, let me just clarify that I love the opportunity Steemit has given me and I am truly thankful for each cent I earn for my contributions. It doesn't matter if I earn $1 or $10. I am always equally grateful for each cent I earn.
However, I am not native in English and I often spend more than 2 hours writing my articles already as it is. - If I were to start sharing personal things, I would probably spend 3-5 hours on each article. Perhaps even more than that... And even though I still appreciate each cent I earn, you have to draw the line at some point.

- It wouldn't be worth it.
I can't spend 5 hours writing one article and earn $2 or $5. If I earn $2 or $5 for an article I spend 1 or 2 hours on, I'd rather continue to spend 1-2 hours instead of 5, if I'll be rewarded the same. The same goes for an article I get $15 or $20 for. If I spend 2 or 3 hours on that article, I just can't allow myself to spend 5 hours to earn the same or perhaps even less.
- Even as a nobody, I value my time more than that.

I suffer from panic attacks, anxiety and depression. I suffer from mental illness. I've had this crap for 5 years now... Some days are wonderful and others, most others, have been pure garbage and it's literally a living hell. - Mental illness is a pain in the ass. But without my mental illness, my passion to become a Treatment assistant would probably never have came to life. You see, I've been fighting my "inner demons" since my father passed away in December 2012. My life went from pretty good to a shitstorm in an instant.
I've tried literally everything I can. I've talked to psychologists, I've tried a bunch of different medications and I've tried to learn and understand what mental illness truly are. - And from this crazy fight with the biggest, meanest and darkest beast I've ever seen, I got a very rare legendary item, just as if I were playing a game.
- I received the passion to help and heal others.
I want to become a treatment assistant and focus on teenagers who suffers from mental illness. - Everyone deserves to live a life filled with joy and laughter. Everyone deserves to live a life with hope, moments of glory, satisfaction and everyone deserves to live a normal, "boring" life, as others are doing. But the truth is, that many people will never be able to do that. I want to change that.

I can't do miracles. And I'm definitely not a wizard who can change the outcome of something within seconds. But I can study, learn, become a treatment assistant and help someone, and that's all I want.
If I can help one person to live their life to the fullest I would have made a real change in this world. I would have made an impact. And I would be satisfied with what I had done. I cannot help everyone, but I can help someone.

My Student Debt Blocks The Path.
others and help others to grow in a faster way than I could myself. I have more power than ever before and I love to see my votes being worth more than ever. I have an impact. My votes truly means something.What I do on Steemit and my approach here is very similar to my real life. With the amazing delegation from @fulltimegeek, I can focus on
exactly that.That's what #StewardsOfGondor is all about. To have an impact. To make a difference. And @fulltimegeek's generosity and long term thinking is doing
You can read more about it here:
@fulltimegeek brings out the hammer and finds new #stewardsofgondor to entrust with 350,000 Steem Power
I love the opportunity I have been given. I am grateful for the chance I have to make a difference and judging by the numbers from @abh12345's posts, it seems like I'm doing a pretty decent job so far. 1654 votes in 7 days to 816 different Steemians. I never upvote my own comments but I upvote my own articles so during these 7 days, I've upvoted 14 of my own articles.
People will always have different opinions regarding self-votes. Right or wrong. Who knows. The reason I upvote my own articles is because by doing that, I know I will get something for my contributions. And I believe I am worth that.
If we go back to my real life again.
The thing that stops me from becoming a treatment assistant right now is my student debt. I have a total debt of ~$3100.

With SBD rates like this, it bascially means ~715 SBD in total. 715 SBD will change my life and it will also give me a chance to help others to change theirs. Perhaps not change but at least help them to improve their lives.
That is why I cash out most of my earnings right now. To pay my student debt. I'm working hard to reach this goal and I truly want it. - I will reach my goal, one way or another.
When I have done that, I will invest more in Steem Power. But truth to be told, I have approximately 7 weeks to pay my debt, to start an education in March. If I cannot accomplish this, I will have to wait for another 6 or 7 months. - And I don't want to wait.
This is also the reason I asked my readers if they could find it in their hearts to upvote my content with a little higher percentage. Because I don't want to beg or ask you for donations. That feels awful and I am not that type of person. I would much rather ask you for a higher percentage vote than usual, because I am certain of the fact that I will be able to reach this goal with your help.
Just imagine the outcome if you gave me an upvote of 50% instead of 15%. - If all my supporters would do this, I would reach this goal quickly. And in all honesty, just look at the trending pages. Look at the well established Steemians we have. Many of them are making this amount on each or on only a handful of articles. - I ask for a total amount of 715 SBD in 7 weeks time. And I am active on Steemit. Each cent makes a huge difference.

"I Am A Support Pillar"
I have said that many times before. I have also proved that in my opinion. I have helped many Steemians. Both in different chats but also in comments or with my articles. I have focused on minnows and I have written and published many guides and reports to help, inspire, motivate, encourage and support others around me.
- I have done all of that, just like I do in real life.
I support and help my mother as much as I possibly can. I have done that my entire life. Helped others around me. Since my father passed away, I obviously help my mother even more. Whenever I can and whenever she needs help. My friends have come to me since I was 11 years old. Whenever they've been sad, been bullied or had a bad day, they've always come to me. I have always been the person others can rely on. - And I have usually never asked for much in return because it feels like I'm doing "my part" in life. - I help others.

As Always,
Thank You For The Support!

awesome initiative. Great job for the perseverance.
Hello man.
I'm not a native writer either... and for someone who is not a native you write pretty well.
As far as the rewards, well, at least you didn't get a Flag like... well nevermind :p
Keep up the good work man.
Thank you very much, I appreciate it. I recently saw the flag actually.. I'm sorry about that. Hopefully they'll remove the flag before payout. I wish you the best of luck!
You have my vote. It's only 0.05 but at 100% it's all I currently have to give. You do great things and I hope you get your 715 SBD before the end of the seven weeks.
Mental illness sucks and I know as I also struggle with anxiety and panic attacks. They can be debilitating and hanging a good support network is key. Best of luck with your studies!
That is very kind and generous of you, and I appreciate it very much!
Yeah, mental illness suck. Not only because it limits your abilities to do things, but also because it's extremely energy draining and terrifying at times. At least these attacks are that for me sometimes even though I've learned to handle things better with time.
Nope not just you they are super draining. The last month has been very challenging for me. I have only just got the panic attacks under control but now I'm so exhausted i could sleep for the next week. It's unbelievably exhausting being on high alert heart racing all the time.
I hear you. Most part of 2017 was pretty dull and dark for me, but it became better towards the end of 2017 and 2018 started with a bang too. However, I'm having problems to truly enjoy how awesome it feels, because I know things can turn around in an instant.
It's a pretty steep learning curve but that's also why I want to help others. So they have someone to rely in their battles. - I hope you'll get some sleep and that you can keep having the attacks under control.
You didn't get the delegations for nothing.
You already did many great things and you are still doing these things.
So, keep doing what you are doing. But I have no suggestion about how to utilize your time you spend on steemit.
I think you should follow what you think is best. Don't fret, don't be sad.
There are better days to come. :)
Go all the way where steemit takes you.
You have my regards :)
Thank you very much for your kind words, I appreciate it. :)
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