The death of creative minds

in #writing8 years ago

This is how they killed the creative mind, by putting us in stalls and taking our time.
Filling our heads with quotes and lines, brainwashing a generations mind.
In a world where the media owns all "official" information flow,
and the social networks feed you their agenda through information control.

It all started innocently enough, giving small brackets power to keep people safe and roused up.
Mass surveillance is what we got.
A hidden police state and politicians corrupting our thoughts.
It's no wonder the world is turning into shit, we got Trump and Clinton running for presidency as humans none of the options are legit.

Were hating on religion, race and their thoughts,
without thinking we as a people are taking shots.
Divide and conquer, split and kill.
The war machine is coming down the hill.

If you've seen the movie idiocrazy, that's what we are going towards,
a dumber society, sheep control.
What's going on in the shadows, very few know.
But i'll tell you were getting what we have been asking for.

Not in a pure form but through corrupted thoughts.
By manipulation, we need to connect the dots.
We need to see what is really going on,
act upon it before it's all gone.

This is how they killed the creative mind, and we are running out of time.


In america (Canada and Mexico too) slavery is still a very real thing, day in and day out slaves work and earn their slave tokens thinking they are free. The good slaves earn enough slave tokens to get rewards from the masters many shops like wal-mart.
The problem is the education system is designed to make conforming and willing slaves, suppressing creative thought is key to keeping the slaves compliant.

I blame public education.

I blame society as a whole, what we have let happen as citizens is disgusting.

government is a mental disease.

The owners and controllers of central banks and media are to blame and should be held accountable.

Who should hold them accountable? When the government and our leaders are corrupted by greed and keep their own intentions above any else.
We could, but we need a revolution.
Masses of people who see the bigger picture and act in the name of humanity and our survival before were nothing more but dust.

Thank you for posting your thoughts in poetic form.
It is the truth that sets us free. To believe the lie is the choice of the individual.
Principle...We are products of our volition not our circumstances.
It seems there is a general reluctance to take responsiblity for our thoughts, motives, decision, actions. There are options....homeschooling.....alternative media....steemit....etc.
However you are describing the thoughts of many who believed what they were told as you said...'without thinking'.

Excellent!!! Upvoted and followed

Many truths here.

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