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RE: Say Hello To DBooks: A Book Publishing Platform On STEEM - Publish Your Books And Earn.

in #writing7 years ago

Sounds amazing! I've been thinking about self-publishing my books and just the thought of dealing with Amazon gives me a headache. Just this morning I've read that they're now flagging "bad" books and even books that have British spelling or illustrations that are facing sideways can be deemed as not worthy and taken down. For me as a non-native English speaker, this is close to a nightmare. I know that my book is probably not going to have perfect English in it no matter how many rounds of editing I go through. But it doesn't mean that I don't deserve to publish my books. After all, books are about storytelling and not spelling. This article has lifted a huge weight off my heart.


Thanks fam. Comments like these really warm my heart. This is exactly what we are going for. Total independence in book publishing. Let people create content and let people decide what content they prefer.

Also we would love to get to contact as many steem fiction writers as possible so as to help them better their rewards and visibility on Steemit.

I myself once published a fiction series on steemit and believe me. The experience wasn't encouraging.

We hope to see you on DBooks soon

I'm glad we are able to help. I agree everyone should be given the opportunity to publish. We would have a rating system where users can rate your books though we're yet to decide on flagging. The decision would be announce in our subsequent update.

If you hire an American English or a Bristish English editor, I'm sure they would be willing to work with you on your English.

I hope to one day be able to afford it.