in #writing6 years ago

Chapter 1 [Session 1]

Prolog [Description of video 1]

Never before has anyone been boring enough to live stream a book writing. I'm going to try and do that in a way that's fast enough and without too many typos so that someone could actually understand reading it.

... Taking off my ring now ... Have to have nothing on my fingers because it throws off my typing rhythym so much (I'm going to leave most mispellings because it will just take too long if I don't. I'm very stupid in that regards)

Unsure of how much I'll censor my thoughts, but you will probably read most of them in one way or another. I'm also recording the screen so I may give some feedback there and take a pause from this writing for a while. Which, for that reason along with others, I am going to use a stopwatch in that video recording as well as an Otter voice transcription. That way, you will be able to see that I'm talking and typing and if I do talk, I'll be able to lazily edit where that is.

That paragraph got too long so I hit enter twice. This break is certainly not logical. Most of them aren't. I'm not very good at grammar but have too much to say that I can't go and learn it. If I ever make any serious money from doing this, I'm going to learn to be much better at typing. I'm done writing here as this program is buggy and I have to make sure my longer form writing is saved. I will continue in the video and post the writing on my blogs and such. I'm also going to create a way for you to get a share of the profits of the book throughout the duration of the rest of its existence, no matter how measly that existence may be.

Chapter 1 [Worries]

I’m not writing a book in a typic sense. I’m writing a book in my sense. I think this is how prolific authors write. I know I’ve heard a quote from Amy Poehler to those ends. Something about she doesn’t think about what she writes, she just says and that’s why it’s funny? I truly don’t mean for that to come off as an attack on the hilarity of Amy Poehler. I truly and honestly think she is funny. Tiny Fey is funny, she is funny, my wife is funny, my mom is funny, there are plenty of amazing wonderful women and there are plenty of amazing, funny, wonderful men. And that stands for all people, whether they identify with either of those biological sexes or with something else completely and entirely that I will never be able to figure out. This is going to be a run on paragraph because I won’t close it without proving reasonably that I care for people of all kinds of different skin tones from all kinds of different places with all kinds of different colors skin and culture and behavior and every bit of it! This is a super run on sentence but it kind of has to be to drive home to these crazy people (which we should by the way love as they are people too) have made everyone think it’s not okay to be honest about.

FUCK I CAN’T END THAT PARAGRAPH BUT I WANT TO BE HONEST THAT I MOVED ON ACCIDENTALLY THROUGH TEXT JUST SO I CAN GO BACK, BE HONEST WITH PEOPLE ABOUT, AND SHOW PEOPLE THAT I TRULY HONEST WITH THE FACT THAT I AM PRETTY STUPID ALL THINGS CONCERNED. I HAVE SOME REALLY COOL IDEAS UP IN MY HEAD, JUST LIKE I’M SURE MOST OF YOU DO AS WELL, AND JUST LIKE YOU, I HAVE A VERY HARD TIME EXPRESSING THOSE IDEAS. I ASSUME YOU HAVE TROUBLE AS WELL, OR WE COULD NOT BE POSSIBLY HAVING THIS CONVERSATION IN MY HEAD THAT YOU ARE NOW PRESENT FOR. IF YOU HAD BEEN ABLE TO EXPRESS YOUR AWESOME IDEAS AS WELL AS I WAS ABLE TO EXPRESS MY AWESOME IDEAS, I WOULD KNOW ABOUT IT. BECAUSE I’M CONSTANTLY LOOKING. I’M LIKE A MONKEY SEARCHING THROUGH THE JUNGLE FOR THE BERRIES OF WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE. BERRIES == SMALL; JUNGLE == BIG. BERRIES == NOURISHMENT. WISDOM == BERRIES. Does that make sense to you? That’s as clearly as I can explain it. In a culture where the norm is established by unthinking people (People for which I mean those that aren’t literally constantly thinking) are not fit to preside over nor to make rules for those people over which they make rules.) This applies to any culture, any group of any size of any ruling class. Think of the words I’m about to write as mathematical formulas for proving whether or not these stories are true. If we have a story, we can determine how close that story comes to real life using big data, machine learning, blockchain technology, and pretty much every other buzz word you can muster out of your kornacoupiea (HAHAHAH leaving that spelling error because it’s obvious I’m stupid and had no idea how to spell it but that which you couldn’t be frustrated that I mispelled because to be honest, you didn’t know how to spell it either. And if you did know how to spell it, I’m typing faster than you and I can prove it. So either say something as interesting as I do while you constantly think and type (without having taken your ring off because you have such a bad short term memory) (while also throwing in my thoughts that I didn’t intend to leak out of my brain and still keep on topic with what you’re talking about, then please just offer constructive criticism that can be addressed by someone who really gives a fuck. You could probably hurt my feelings if you tried hard enough, but it’s not about that. It’s about the fact that this parenthetical statement is getting very long and the fact that if you were to constructively criticize me (even bully me (yes tripple nested parenthesis. (ever wonder where the crazy idea for the LISP programming language came up (it was some crazy programmer who also used to write who just couldn’t keep their thoughts in one dimension (and so they just kept putting more (()(and more) ) …

… anyway, I’ve lost count of how many parenthesis are in this paragraph, but go to the video where the stopwatch reads 13:04 and check out the LISP programming language on screen. I’ll be your guide, you just have to scroll your mouse wheel through the history of both my mind and of computer science. And if you are bored because you have more to offer, please contact me and add to my collective remembering of the generations that got me here. Something we’ve failed to continue to do in my generation and perhaps towards the end of the generation previous to me. So, without further ado, this is a going to be the first simultaneous SALUTE TO THOSE WHO GOT US HERE AND A FUCK YOU - HERE’S HOW TO DO IT BETTER writing. Among the way, we’ll also visit some of the obstacles in our current generation with whom we must peaceably and mutually respectfully (in a Nash Equilibrium style way - thanks TJ for that by the way. If you read this, text me you fuck. I think a lot of author’s thank a lot of people and I truly hope for them that they are true friends and always there for each others. I, unfortunately, know I have very few of those due to the way I’ve grown up. A way for which I wouldn’t trade anything in the word as it landed me with the girl of my dreams. So much so, that I feel like every day life is a dream. It’s a magnificent thing being in love. It takes you from a state where everything seemed crazy except you to a time where you don’t care. You just want to do your best and hope the most people and raise the happiest family and make sure you decrease violence in your generation to the next more than any other generation before you. If your wife does not make you wish the least amount of violence in the world for your daughter and your son equally, than you are in some way not well or perhaps not fully in love.

To be fully in love means that you value that life of that one more than anyone else in your life, which includes your very self. When it comes to the ultimate sacrifice, many would say that the sacrifice would be their wives. That would be the ultimate sacrifice - at least according to some accounts. Some would be their children. Some would be their own self. Their thing that they live in now to answer the question.

This is very difficult to try and analyze, because I’m just skimming along the top of this pond of understanding. Let me put it bluntly and try to unravel it. Apologies in advance if this sounds a bit rough at first, but please keep reading. I assure you I will have brought it back to a place where you won’t think any negative thoughts after you read it. I think I can also create a game where, if you can submit something that everyone else agrees with is harsh, then you get a share the profits (whoops - prophets) of this book. So, if you’re reading this, and at this point you think what I’m saying is not reasonable AND helpful AND well thought out AND you can prove it AND a majority agrees that claim you’ve made to mine is reasonable AND (+) I either take too long to response || someone I’ve somehow motivated to respond in my place through open and algorithmic determinations takes too long to respond || simply doesn’t offer a response AND you haven’t broken any other rules we’ve all agreed to add to the game, then you get a percentage of prophets agreed to upon a simple precondition (very small amount especially starting out but not too small. <1% but perhaps not <.01%. If my calculations aren’t wrong - which they probably are on the fly but can easily be corrected since this book will be stored in the blockchain and even if someone tries to take it down, here’s a complete recounting of how it was made, so knock yourself out. Sorry for the long roundabout paragraph. I’m sorry, but that’s just kind of how this book is going to be written. It’s going to be a look of work to do collectively, but if we do it together (and I can create ways for us to bring in some amount of money to be agreed upon previously and that we have ways of decreasing our distributions over time) then we will all be glad we did so in about 3 - 5 years. I KNOW that’s a long time to spend and I know there’s a very low chance that anyone will be in a financial and intellectual situation in a way works for that kind of project. But think of this as not an invite to work for free, but an invite to work for a delayed gratification. A vested interest that you can see and is transparent and failsafe. In a way that’s mathematically proven to benefit all parties as time goes on unless someone can hack the network. In a way, this is a fiction about the future. In a way, it’s an analysis on the now. In others, a biography, a philosophy, and perhaps simply a collection of all the stupid shit in an idiots head. But hey! Maybe theres’s some gold up there. Thank you dad for making me feel really good by saying that’s the case. Your encouragement from saying that was part of what encouraged me to start writing this. Lex is my largest encouragement but you are second and then followed by mom. It’s nothing personal mom, you inspire and encourage in different ways than dad, but for me-it’s just biological. Thank you both by the way for such a wonderful visit. You are both working to understand my wife which I know I’ve had struggles doing. She knows that. She knows I struggle, but she was patient with me. She held my hand when I made mistakes, and she fucking gave it to me when I deserved to be reprimanded. But one thing I know for sure is that she always told me the truth. The only way I can define truth here accurately and succinctly enough is to say: what are the things that if you hold dearest to your mind and heart will improve you to everyone examining across the board. It can be in no way looked at in any culture that, when someone gets themselves into physical shape, that is showing a lack of discipline. That always shows a lack of discipline. Perhaps a culture can apply negative pressure on the desire for one to get in physical shape, but it never shows a lack of discipline in the individual, and discipline is something that cannot be FALSE. FALSE is something that can be faked, mimicked, mimed, memed, regurgitated, or in any way passed off as one’s own work. It is sometimes to be considered things that exist inside of one’s own head as the result of them examining what’s outside their head. However, it shouldn’t take copious strides of Eastern mythologies to realize that’s a rudimentary case and quite obvious. Our atoms as far as we can tell aren’t conscious. Unless one presents consciousness as something that is tuned into rather than something this is present in simply life itself, then we must admit that consciousness is something that is an energy to be measured by our yet to be created radio, satellite, gps system, thermometer, screen or other measurement mechanism OR that all living biology is conscious OR that consciousness is not real and is in some way produced in the aforementioned means of FAKEness (namely things that can be reproduced, faked, mimicked, memed, mimed, or in some other way put of as one’s own work online or through publishing mechanisms of one’s time) Again, my most sincere apologies for the poor grammar. I will fix this over time and share profits with those that help fix as well. Don’t worry-again open source, transparent, and obvious how everyone is getting paid. That may not sound like a big deal for an online book, but with the plans that are in my head and that you can get paid to listen to if you talk to your friends about how stupid they all are and how people will get paid to prove them wrong, that’s going to be a decent sum of cash organizing and grammarifying it all up early on. Not to mention spreading it socially. If it spreads like a virus, then the chances you can get some percentage of the profits increase. If the book doesn’t spread, and you answer all these grammar issues and help organize it, but no one else is here, than it’s going to take us all a lot longer to get paid. We may never get paid. Who knows if you and I are the only ones stupid enough to think this will work. Don’t we have to get more people involved, but not too many that we don’t have a job in the thing anymore? See how those selfish motivations form the perfect growth rate of the network? We can then determine things to do with the network. People can propose ideas. But there has to be time enough for the person that responds the fastest with the most amount of evidence countering a given point with the highest percentage of reasonability and consistency and improving determination votes from the individuals and those that form the network. Otherwise, what are we changing for? Perhaps the list of criteria and the criteria themselves can be changed, but I must not give in to people pressuring me to quit trying to make them fit myself. I, of course, want power. Which is exactly what they want. All men want the same thing. At least Kanye West admits to this in his song, I forget the name, but the lyric is about how all men should be weary of their daughters because they know men who aren’t right in the head think denigrating things about women when the men are younger, and even when the men grow older. This used to be a part of comedy, but now we can’t talk about it. That’s not good. I would have no problem allowing my daughter to talk to a similarly aged counter part if that counter part behaved as my wife and I do now. However, if you change the behavior of that partner to that of me at my daughter’s age, I would most certainly not allow that. I treated women as something to conquer, not something to nourish, exactly the same as in Kanye’s ‘Ye’ album as well. This paragraph is way too long. New one! Please help breaking up paragraphs into more discrete blocks. I will not accept edits that change the meaning of the text, and I will certainly have that information reliably reviewed, but all grammar edits welcome!

I’m going to not explain the behavior of my past and put that out in the open. I know I embarrassed my wife. I know I treated her poorly. But I am lucky enough to have a woman that I knew from my past with whom I made many mistakes and was just who I thought I wanted to be and nothing more, that she accepted and forgave me and shows how amazing living a life that could not possibly fail to make anyone’s experience subjectively better to them and all the people around them. Think about happy splashes (COPYRIGHT ATTENTION - I’M ADDING THE VIDEO LINKED HERE IN THE FEED AT 48:40 (Surface Tension Droplets at 2500fps - The Slow Mo Guys - YouTube in order to demonstrate a poetic concept, and thus teach. Please allow me to keep the video in my video while making no money of my video and giving all credit to their video)

Observe at around 1:30 (Surface Tension Droplets at 2500fps - The Slow Mo Guys - YouTube) when the water droplet just bounces up and down seemingly without gravity. In seems like that because it’s so small, and it’s not really that small. Much smaller than that, and the average person may never know how things interact with each other in that space, if there ever are things at all. If you’re interested in being more educated than I would say 99.99% of society, go read about this: Quantum Gravity and Quantum Mechanics. More bonus points to those who understand this for every article and author they can prove quickly and easily is full of it and just faking things with tenure. I think Eric Weinstein would appreciate that wager. Times 40 multiple (*40) for anyone who can get Eric Weinstein, Bret Weinstein, Jordan Peterson, or Sam Harris to look at this paragraph. *120 for anyone who can get them to read the chapter, and *500 for anyone who can get them to email me or text me on my book phone. It’s like the bat phone but it’s on my website, running on a server that talks with the fake cell phone number that I teach you how to set up because that sounds like a good idea for blockchain. Text based incorruptible voting mechanisms. Want to know why that’s such a revolutionary idea? Because it allows for tamper proof voting. Now, I know everyone is going to squawk about the insecurities and use this obvious fact to prove why what I just said was stupid, but don’t you think I can type this out because I know that and you’re just wasting your time. Please assume (no way for this to not come off as a fucking twat) that I understand the simple continuation of my countering rather than take this as an invitation to counter my point. I felt Sam Harris did this a LOT to Jordan Peterson in the debates in London between the two. Now, I’m going to defend Peterson a lot in their debate, but I also concede more than most when Sam Harris has a good point towards Jordan. The fact is that Jordan agreed and conceded to Sam more than Sam not necessarily because Jordan was wrong more than Sam, but because Sam talked more. We can measure these things. I know I have a problem doing it. Delivering messages as condensed as possible is both necessary in technology as well as in social interaction, or else your peers grow tired of you. Finally, my quote can get in the book:

When you have too many ideas, and too few friends that you can impress with them, you should write a book.

If you can’t get people to read your book, try advertising yourself somehow.

If you advertise and can’t get people to read your book, find a way to incentivize a reading network.

If you can’t get people to read your book by incentivizing them to read the book, then build a network where anyone that joins can share in the profits of unique creativity.

If you can’t get the point by now, it’s going to take way too long for you to understand and other people are going to get bored.

If you can’t write short quotes, maybe you should write a book

If you can’t get people to read a book… just kidding…

Wisdom is in delivering prolific messages frankly.

Anyway, I’m talking in the above paragraph about speech length in debate. And it’s important. Trust me - I think about this a lot. If you really disagree, prove me wrong! You’ll get paid so no excuses. I’m going to say that less and less as time goes on, and if this gets popular, than I’m certainly going to stop and teach some technology videos so that we can all make this software together and prove who taught who (to form perpetual teaching links where we can always compensate teachers - explained later inevitably - please remind me if you reach the end of this text, I’ve said THE END, and I still haven’t talked about it. Or just bring it up and say you’d read it. Right now - if you can verify that you read things you’ll say you read and provide good feedback for them, then that would be enough encouragement to go into more detail. Hopefully it gets harder to get my attention over time but also we make it easier to get anyone’s attention over time if we all agree in fair ways that you deserve it, no matter how hard that is.

So, debate. Timing. It’s important because the victor of a debate needs both the best arguments, the kindest demeanor, the most knowledgeable outer body of knowledge (that which isn’t being debated - think well rounded education paradigm falsely claimed at the Universities (at least by my peers and parents)), and the best ability to teach. For, debate is not just about winning an argument, as some treat it. Debate is about education those around you through brilliant oration. Everything should always be up for debate, but it should grow gradually more difficult to debate something out of its place for various reasons. Jordan Peterson (as I’m sure many others throughout many different generations) has pointed out that we must borrow from the Yin Yang to find the perfect balance between chaos and order. The problem when people bring up the previous generations argument is that it’s fairly obvious. Does one truly think though that many messages at all in our present and active psyches (please ask for clarification the first person who doesn’t know exactly what I mean here) come from previous generations. There aren’t many as other time, messages become distilled into stories, shorter and shorter. When we get rid of those stories, we lose some value, but also gain some good mannered things in current technologies, but you can think of this as stirring a can of paint. It’s inevitably going to contain ripples. Perhaps this is a better demonstration in showing nonnewtonian fluid in slow motion since it demonstrates greater dimensionality. The interaction of these things isn’t static like it looks like in normal speed, they are currently pounding is at some frequency as is shown when time is slowed down. We falsely think of these things as just statically adjusting to some orientation, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. These constant vibration of statics is what causes ripples through time. See how the light makes the rope look likes it is standing still with two humps? You know it’s moving and can tell visually due to the quality of this video, but if you saw this live, it is possible to actually freeze the rope. My physics teacher (Mr Curry from O’Fallon Township High School - who would get a perpetual part of the prophet of this book if it ever makes any and we can decide on how much) showed me and it blew my mind. Unfortunately, because I only liked math, I was an disrespective asshole to Mr. Curry. The man was brilliant and I regret that constantly. While I’m at the school, I’ll also reward Patrick Herrington, who is the best math teacher I’ve ever had. Thank you for all the burger king hats. I’m still bitter about that one you took away and gave to Chris.

Sorry, I got thinking about waves. Timing, waves. That’s pretty much all their is. There’s some theory about strings and vibrations and energies being at the bottom of all this after all, just like the 60’s and the Beatles predicted. I’ve heard disagreement about String Theory and that it’s old science, but if I knew about it in the 12 grade, could it really be that old? Maybe. I’m tired of defending myself, so if I sound cocky, and you really want me to apologize and re-word something, let me know. If other people think I should do the same after some percentage we agree upon, that will become rewarded as well. I write the book, the network writes the rules. I just have to agree on them and I will share everything as mutually agreed to by everyone, no matter the percentages we’ll eventually arrive upon. Perhaps we can set up an overflow voting too to prevent the disparate distributions we face today due to manipulation of choice combined with manipulation of conversation vehicles. More on that later as well.

I think this may conclude Session 1, which is chapter 1 as well. I’ll write a chapter a day until I’m happy with what I’ve written. I will always write. I’ve never run out of ideas and in fact, as time goes on and I learn more, I think of more ideas. And not just ideas that are going to benefit me, but of ideas that will both benefit me and all the participate in them and will never cause a shred of harm to anyone outside them. It is the uniting under one umbrella of everyone where we can find things we actually do agree upon. There’s a reason no one talks to you unless you agree with them nowadays. Just look at the /r/enough____spam subreddits. People are tired of bullshit. But the fact of the matter is, both sides of everything that go in the middle of the words ‘enough’ and ‘spam’ have another side to them. They may be menial, and they may be pieces of shit, or they may not, and there’s confusion. It’s very hard to tell today, because we’re taking apart measurement metrics used for centuries. Some of us are trying to take away one’s ability to distinguish simple biological facts! We need separate bathrooms? WHAT THE FUCK PEOPLE DIE OF STARVATION AND THIS IS WHAT YOU DEBATE ABOUT? THIS IS WHAT YOU SHOW ON THE MEDIA? THESE ARE THE TWEETS I SEE? WHY THE FUCK!? IF LIFE IS SO GOOD YOU CAN WORRY ABOUT WHICH ROOM YOU WALK INTO TO COMFORABLY DEFOCATE OR URINATE, THEN WHY SPEND ANY ENERGY WHATSOEVER ON CONFLICT? THERE IS SIMPLY NO NEED. WE CAN GET EVERYONE THINGS THEY WANT EVENTUALLY, BUT SHOULD IT NOT BE A PRIORITY WE SIMULTANEOUSLY SEEK TRUTH AS WELL AS TRY TO STOP THE MOST AMOUNT OF KILLING, INJURING, STARVATION, DEHYDRATION FIRST?

Why do you busy yourselves and others with these problems that aren’t problems? Yes, I understand they are problems to you, and I understand they affect your feelings greatly. We haven’t really figured out (at least men haven’t anyway) how to communicate and prioritize feelings. I know I hadn’t. I’m getting better, but still not perfect. How one feels is not more important than someone living or dying. However, in a conversation, knowing how one feels is important. So context is everything and the post modernists get a point. ONE POINT. What we like to do with one point today, since we got used to participation trophies as children thanks to poor parenting, we think we won. And winning feels good. Why wouldn’t it? Everyone wants to win. But counter intuitively, we have to prevent children from all winning in order to learn how to better themselves. If we reward everything, than nothing is motivated extrinsically. If nothing is motivated extrinsically, than no feedback is provided to previous trajectories. If previous trajectories are not given feedback, they will behave chaotically. “Was that change I just made to my previous generations GENES could for my future generations GENES?”

Also, there is a very peculiar similarity in the words GENES AND GENESIS. Gene comes from pan-genos into pangen into get into gene.

Genesis came from simply the greek Genesis.

Sorry for the pause. Breaking news on Twitter about the Mars Opportunity Rover perhaps losing a battle to a dust storm. More details coming soon.

Annnnd I’m back from the rant on Twitter about Opportunity Rover. Serious apologies to anyone who thought I was offensive or annoying on that rant, but someone’s got to say those things. If you don’t agree, let’s go into conversation! As per old Pokémon battle rules, let’s go! YuGiYo was the same way. As are many other card games I don’t understand anymore, but people love that stuff, so why don’t we make the game help society? Why don’t we create slew of society improving games such as, “Who can pick up the most trash?” / “Who can feed the most hungry people?” / “Who can be the best teacher?”

I realize in going back through and attempting to close all of my tabs for the evening (the old style way of shutting up my briefcase before leaving the office) that I did not cover the analogy with the bouncing droplets of water as I’d initially intended. I still have another analogy in the belt there and it had something to do with love and making impacts on society. Remind me to make that if you’re truly interested.

Side note, new username alternative would be genegenesis as something for a meta genesis. Or beginning of genesis. Because after all, if you can explain in reasonable language the book of Genesis where no-one disagrees with the fact that those things appear true to the best of our knowledge, isn’t that a good thing? I’m going to end this section here before I start saying things I can’t back up.

Thank you so much for reading, and if you liked tuning along, please feel free to share and reach out to me at halfjew22@gmail.com to have our own conversation and so that we can prove each other wrong and improve each other a little bit at the same time.


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