I generally create longer posts so the search engines will favor my post. Lately I been experimenting with differing writing styles. I think if you mix things up a little regarding effective imagery, overall theme, passion and relevance to whatever niche you're into out here online or off. Over time you shall draw an active and passive audience as a blogger no matter the length of words you decide to write.
I say that because we are also targeting certain audiences out here rather than just writing pointless posts or we should think that way to get our words across to those who are seeking such juicy details, info, short stories, series etc... Great advice though especially for those just starting out. Focus is everything!
It all takes tweaking and testing. I've done desk jobs in the news industry and I was surprised often by the little details you can use to make your point more effectively. And I benefited from some real pros. One lesson from all that is "watch and emulate." Keep Steem-ing!!!!