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in #writing6 years ago


Hi, my name is Eve and I don’t know how to write.

I am ashamed to admit that I’m absolutely rubbish at writing by hand.

Me, a person who appreaciates and adores all sorts of handcrafts, and who can knit a damn fine pair of wool socks or mittens and in general is good with her hands, can hardly even write my own damn name with a pen on paper. My handwriting is so shit that it looks like a 7-year-old boy wrote it, no offence to any who are actual 7-year-old boys, but you know what I mean. It is not pretty.

A few weeks ago an adult male friend of mine showed some of his notes to me and I could not believe how pretty his handwriting was. It was proper beautiful cursive and I was so jealous of his writing skills. I decided I want to do something about my own handwriting.

I hardly ever write by hand, but when I do, I’d want it to look even half decent and feminine. First I didn’t even know how I would go about learning cursive, but I remembered back in first and second grade we has these notebooks that would help us learn to write by first mimicing the letter that was printed on the page with a light grey colour, and then you would go on repeating it for several pages. I didn’t think those are widely available anywhere so I put the idea on a backburner for a while.

Yesterday I got a very special gift from a very special teacher, who I jokingly mentioned to needing some help with learning to write. I got a notebook with lines to help me learn cursive, the very same kind we used to have 20 years ago, and copies of practise pages from a cursive notebook. So now I have something to start with.

Today I picked up a pencil and started learning. Dear lord it is HARD! I think there is a wire missing, tangled or loose between my brain and hand, because my hand does not do what I want it to. There is next to none hand-eye coordination and my hand is cramping when I try to force it to write pretty letters. I really feel like I’m holding a pencil for the first time in my life when trying to mimic the wavy letters on my practise sheets.

Wish me luck and pray for my patience as I try to learn a skill that I was never good at even in school.

Ps. I hope I don’t get send to detention any time soon.


My handwriting has always been terrible. Back when it was something that was actually graded (in 2nd grade maybe?), I could do no better than a C. As soon as cursive wasn't required, I went back to printing (which isn't all that much better). Thank God I learned to type. I still think that one semester long keyboarding class I had in high school was one of the most useful classes I ever took.

I still write in a journal occasionally but even when I do that, I don't use cursive. Other than signing my name (which mostly looks like scribble anyway), I have to think pretty hard to be able to write in cursive at all. While I would like to have better handwriting, I don't think I want it bad enough to devote a lot of time to it :).

Yeah mine was bad too. Now it is only worse. I think the only D’s i evr made in school were in handwriting...and conduct!

The one regret i have is that inever learned to type. So that is also crap. I love dictation software. Probably need to use it more often :-0

Lol I was always told my signture looks like someone who was having a stroke and that i write too small

Same same. There is maybe like two letters that are right and somewhat recognisable.

Back to first grade :D

Reminds me that maybe I should do more calligraphy 🤔

Oh yeah you have been doing that, I remember seeing a post about it! It was real pretty!

If you were shit at writing at school you'll never be any good now!

What a fun way to pass the time :)

I forget if you are left-handed or not?

I'm a lefty, my writing was awful, still is, and I do not give a shit :D


Thank you for the encouragement 😅 you are a true friend! I’m right handed so I don’t even have that excuse.

My pleasure :D

Awesome you’re doing this and sharing it. Inspired me to work on my signature, because that sucks to🙈 can’t sign the papers at my sister her wedding with my current signature... as a maid of honour you need a signature classic and with style 😎thanks🤙

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You, maid of honour?

Mine sucks too, my mother just laughed at my signature the other day when she saw it :(

Wrong translation in my head🙈 something with a movietitle i assume...😇 the witness of course😅

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English hard!

And regarding the signature she serious laughed about it!?😔

Did tou tell her about your plan to learn yourself some pretty handwriting?

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She is honest and I don’t mind one bit, it is ugly so I can’t argue with that 😅 I don’t think I told her yet, maybe I’ll learn to write a pretty signature first to show her.

Hahaha, this is hilarious. My handwriting went to shit shortly after i got my first computer and cell phone. A lot things went to shit after that too. Most of the things mentioned in your previous post.
Or? maybe i'm just old and it would've anyway?

I am pretty old school regarding a lot of things so I’m right there with you.

Let’s disregard the fact that I have to most millennial ”job” one can have...

Hi, my name is Eve and I don’t know how to write.

Hi, My name is cornerstone and I'm an alcoholic. Wait...
I think I'm in the wrong room. 😯
But hey, If you learn to write, I'll buy you a drink! 🤣

Maybe if we make it a joined group, get drunk and learn how to write, would be so much more fun. Oh wait, you are not supposed to drink in an AA meeting are you?

Well, never found AA so, I'm down!
You bring the pens, I'll bring the drinks. 🖊✏🍹🥂

I have the handwriting quality of a doctor. You know, the scribble that somehow must be translated to a prescription. Yeah, that bad. Most of the time I cannot even read what I wrote.

It is the keyboard for me. That is all.

Reading your own grocery lists is so much when you have no idea what you were planning on buying :D

Did you know that in China you actually have people that their whole job is to paint Chinese letters? Weird right... My handwriting is also really awful, but I think it's mostly because my brain is faster than how fast I write, and when I'm writing I'm already thinking 3 or 4 words ahead...

I've seen those on the inter webs, they take it really seriously and it's beautiful!

Perseverance gives results. Keep practicing, you will achieve what you proposed. For my mother, writing well was always important, so from a very young age she made me practice with those books. I used them for years, my hand hurt every time, but in the end my writing improved.

Be glad that was required from you, my mom didn't really care what my handwriting looked, it was more about what I write. A good metaphor right?

Handwriting says so much about personality. I recall back in school that the girls that had really perfect handwriting (usually kid of big, bubbly letters) were usually stupid. I think it reflected their big for-show personalities. So don't beat yourself up, you aren't one of them :) Your handwriting looks like a tomboy-ish personality.

My handwriting is a hybrid of print and cursive, which describes me quite well.

I can attest to that, I remember those kind of girls, and I definitely have a big tomboy side to me. But I still want a pretty handwriting!

Can you give me a sample of your handwriting?


It’s interesting, very soft but not neat, maybe it tells about a vivid imagination.

Ha, not neat is right. I think it is safe to say no one has ever described me as neat.

Here are my hypothesis for your hand writing issue:

Maybe in your childhood your parents changed your prefered hand, so maybe you were left handed so these kind of changes can cause some problems of hand brain coordination.

More Exiting predictions are now beginning: You may have Asperger (more probably) or autism syndrome which can explain some other things about you also :) It is known that these kind of individuals can have problems in hand writing. People can have light level of asperger which can also make these people more original.

My last point there can be a problem in the eye like Metamorphopsia which one of the reasons is a kind of fungus as a result of tobacco usage. ( I am not into this argument much)

My real last assumption is maybe you really lack of practicing hand writing at school because of the style of the education.

Lastly my question for future deductions, did you learn speaking at the normal ages or any kind of relay happened? Normal periods are at age 1 start to speak a word, at age 2 two word usage begin and at 3 years of age sentence structures appear.

A very thorough analysis but I am pretty sure the only possible answer is the lack of practise. I haven’t written in cursive since it was no longer required in the 3rd grade if I remember correctly.

I learned to speak and walk and all that quite early, and my parents did not change my hands. And what comes to Aspergers or Autism, I’m sure I’m somewhere on the spectrum. But I don’t think it’s good to try and find issues where there really isn’t any, people have different traits and that is that.

I see handwritten Christmas cards to all Steemians from Eve in the future. Good luck!

Oh heeeelllll no! 😂 But maybe if I could even make one pretty one for the family members.

Weird flex but ok

giphy (1).gif

Hey This is an official no flex zone!


This made my day (and it’s only morning). It brings back memories for me :)

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