Yeah its a stretch for government influence with labor but there's ineed influence in which I believe there is unintended consequences, Ill be sure to hash it out.
I agree, societal resilience seems to be lost due to the lack of need for it - currently. But it is still a skill that shouldn't be lost and we can learn from it and even improve on it.
In regards to leaving, I think it's easier to build a small-scale project that you can effectively lessen the need for outside resources by starting with a relatively blank canvas rather than retrofit it within current urban environments. Thought I think it is noble and its obvious there is not enough food being produced within the city to sustain them, and anything to help is a good thing.
That being said, I think both are working within what they have available because there are not more efficient systems in place. I believe in surrounding yourself with solutions.
I think maybe in the 1950s, 40% of fruit and vegetables in the US came from home gardens...? Obviously the population was much smaller then, but we've also got better growing technology so I don't think it's impossible to get back to those kinds of numbers.
Thats a really good point, and something I am going to add to my notes to follow up on, thank you!