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RE: Getting back into writing (obstacles and thoughts)

in #writing7 years ago

This is probably going to be useless and empty but I'm going to go for it anyway. Two things:

  • Measure against yourself, not others.
  • Perfect is the enemy of good.

Use others for what can be, but look and see at how you are improving or where you can improve. This is what I'm telling myself anyway, as I also feel like I compare to other writers in awe. And you know, it's still fine to take a break from it if you feel overwhelmed. You don't want to force things anyway. So here I am, writing all this empty advice that sounds good but I am unsure whether or not I will be able to follow it myself. Ah well...

But yeah I don't really have specific writing advice tricks. I have a friend that wants to get better at English and I never know quite how to help... So I wonder if someone else has good tricks and I'll follow along :)


Hey! It's not shallow advice. :) I feel that it's good. Sometimes I fall into that pit of contrasting my creations with the creations of others and I feel like my doing it is pointless since they can do it so much better and I can never hope to get there. But beyond that, I know that I have value and I have to remind myself that. My creations have value for me, if not for others, and comparing myself to natives with decades of experience is unfair since I only have a few years' experience in writing and just about a decade learning the English language.

About taking a break, I'm on the other side of that. I take too many breaks, lol. I create for a few days or weeks, then I stop for months. I should balance my time out in order to be consistent with my workflow. I've been thinking of setting fixed times each day for working and fixed times for resting and playing.

I got much better when I started sharing my writings with others, reading the writings of others and comparing what we did differently. I didn't take differences as mistakes, but I didn't discard what they did as mere "differences". People always have different experiences and they know things I don't. I like to think that many differences are the result of breakthrough's that either of us has never had.

Thanks for the tips <3 They really put me under the wheels of a heavy train of thought.