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RE: Free your words, and the rest will follow

in #writing7 years ago

This is interesting, 4 to 6000k, I don't need to question your source of inspiration at all, picking one or two lessons from those great mind and blog about it, you have lots of things to write per day already. Isn't writing easy like that.

The key to free writing is exposure, either to people, books or event. The more exposed you are to your environment, the more free writer you become, because you will always get ideas on what to write from it.

Thank you for this wise word of yours, I was faced with that question Just yesterday as well. I do write 2 to 3 times on regular day and 4 times at times. Somebody asked me if I planned for my write-ups before I write, the answer is no.

I just think about something and write, it flows naturally out of me too.

I think the reason why most people can't write more than once per day is because they stick to one writing style or writing about a specific filed which becomes boring as time goes on. You end up not knowing what to write if their is nothing to write about that field again

If you can find time to sit, hold your phone a pen in your hand, they you can be a good writer.

I don't know how to explain this to people better than this, because all I do is just to sit for some minutes and think about stuff, then ideas would come.

It is easy to be a writer, I mean a good one, if you can allow it to flow out of you.

Thanks as always...