Recommendation Trilogy "Daughter Of Smoke And Bone" Laini Taylor.

in #writing7 years ago

Hello everyone! Today I bring you a recommendation that you should not miss, when you finish reading this post will run to find the next trilogy!

It is "Daughter of Smoke and Bone" by the American writer Laini Taylor.

To begin I must say that it is an INCREDIBLY FANTASTIC story! Never in my life had I found a book that touched my heart so much, I read it as if there was no tomorrow, I totally connected with the story from beginning to end.

If you are the one who tends to imagine things out of the ordinary you should read this trilogy, it will transport you to an incredible place, full of characters that are not of this world but that have so much humanity, sensitivity and charm that you will not be able to ignore.

What I really liked about Laini Taylor and her trilogy is the way she introduces you and tells the story, shows both the characters and how everything develops, that you feel the desire with which you wrote the books, you shows situations with which you fully identify yourself, and the worlds you describe are fantastic, it takes you from being in a classroom to different parts of the world, from being with a normal person to a world of monsters, it takes you from love to war.



One of the characters that I liked was the main character of this story "Karou" who has a seemingly normal life, but on the other hand has beings that can not leave for nothing in his life because they are his family, and fight for them with whoever

You will encounter with friendship, love, families, magic, wars and so many things more than you will not regret!

I can not continue writing without feeling that I'm going to drop too many spoilers, so I'll leave you here as far as what you find in the books, and so feed your curiosity.

One of the things that I did not specifically like about the third book "Dream Of Gods And Monsters" was the fact that I felt lost, and I felt that the story was a little down, I did not feel the connection, it was like there was a gap between " Days Of Blood And Glow "and" Dreams Of Gods And Monsters "but little by little you are advancing in the third book you understand that everything goes. Honestly if it's unexpected, but I did not like it as much as the first two.



Personally I say that this trilogy could easily have been four or five books, but it is very good and I thank the "Star Gods" (whoever reads books, or has read them will understand) for having enlightened the mind and creativity of Laini Taylor with the beautiful creation of this trilogy.

I will only tell you that at this moment they are finishing reading the post, are thinking of including these three books in your "Read" list as they will not waste their time!

And with a score of 10 I give this trilogy 9.9

I hope in my next post, greetings!