When The Blueberry Gods Light Up Your Life

in #writing7 years ago

While my daughter and I were grocery shopping, We saw an Aldi worker changing some prices. There were a few other customers surrounding the lady, so of course, we went to see what was up. That’s when we saw them.

Blueberries. For 99 cents.

Of course, we left with our share.

When one has an abundance of blueberries, what do they do? Well, first they buy ice cream, and then they make a pie. Not just any pie, but a Steemit pie!


Blueberry pies are really simple to make, and I’m sure there are a zillion recipes on the internet. Some of them may be better than others, but I’m guessing they all share common ingredients. This is how my daughter and I make a Steemit Blueberry Pie.


*1/4 tsp of salt
*5 TBSP corn starch
*3/4 cups of sugar (This will vary depending on the sweetness of the berries. You would think our cheap blueberries would have been sour. NOPE. They were deliciously sweet.)
*1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
*Approximately 4 cups of blueberries
*1 egg yolk
*1 TBSP heavy whipping cream
*2-3 refrigerated pie crusts (Yes, we are cheaters. They taste great, and they are so easy to use.)
*1 small bowl of ice cream (This will also vary, depending on how many toddlers live in your home.)

First, give the small bowl of ice cream to your toddler(s), so you can actually make the pie. 😂


Rinse blueberries and dump them in a bowl. Pour the lemon juice over them.


Mix the dry ingredients, in another bowl, and after stirring well, pour them into the blueberries.

Let the mixture sit for approximately 30 minutes.


While the mixture sits, prepare the egg wash with the egg yolk and heavy whipping cream.


Using one of the crusts, prepare the bottom of the pie plate. Cinch the edge of the crust for desired prettiness.


After the bottom crust is ready, pour the mixture into it, and start the top. There are many different ways to do the top crust, and it just depends what look you want, as to which one you choose. We decided to go with the lattice style crust, at first.


After it was all sliced, we decided we needed to be more creative with our Steemit Blueberry Pie. So, we rolled up the slices, and tried to use a rolling pin to smooth the crust back out.

Note: This doesn’t much work with refrigerated pie crust, as it became overworked very quickly.

This wasn’t a problem for us, as we had a third one in the fridge. :) We used the messed up crust to cut out letters, and we used the new one to cover the top. After, of course, carving the Steemit logo into it. (Regardless, of what you do with the top crust, make sure to cinch the edges into the bottom crust.)


Brush the top and edge of the pie with the egg wash.

Bake at 375 for 50 minutes. (After about 25 minutes, cover the edges with foil so they don’t burn.)


When the pie is done, let it set for a while, otherwise you will have a mess.


We let ours set for about 30-40 minutes. Yes, it nearly killed us to wait for the pie, but we made it, and it was worth the wait.


Peace. Love. And 99 cent blueberries.



I need more of this pie in my life. Also, a towel for my uncontrollable drool.

Wonderful. Looks delicious. Now i'm hungry😁

Thank you! It was so delicious! ☺️