Adventures in Crackland (full version)

in #writing8 years ago

I am not sure how to link you all to my previous shorts. So this time I am bringing you all of the previous shorts plus the new section. I am really new to this and my brother keeps insisting that this is the sight for me so I appreciate all of you who follow and those of you who just read. Thanks.

I could not believe it. He left me. The nerve of him after all that I had given up for him. I had alienated all for him, friends, and family alike. I gave him my love, my time, my body, and my loyalty. He cost me all that I ever had and he left.
That was it that was the day that I decided that crack was the only man I would ever have again. I smoked it morning, noon, and night. It was always with me and never left because I always had money to buy it. I always had money to buy it if I had to sell my mother, sister, father or brother the sun rose and set with me smoking crack. I pledged my loyalty to it and I would have married it if I could. My body was its slave, do not be appalled for I had sold my body for lesser men who did not deserve or respect me. Crack was loyal it always got me high and I made sure to keep the money flowing.
It happened one night when I was alone. I had been up for five days and the voice began to talk to me. It had arrived earlier that day when I came across a friend of mine. I know you are thinking, what crackhead has friends? She was a close a friend as any crackhead could have. I remember that I could feel my face smile and I heard my voice say hello. My thoughts were wicked and the voice may have sounded like me but what it said was nothing like me at all.
“That bitch, I should gut that bitch and walk away holding her intestines. Hah that will teach her.”
I had no idea what that was about. I was not angry with the girl at all. It was only a matter of time before I realized that the voice was just the beginning. So, there I sat alone trying to stay high and awake afraid that the voice would return. I woke up three days later.
To be continued…
Three days was a long time to sleep and one would think that I would feel rested and invigorated, but it was exactly the opposite. I felt exhausted. I was also in a place that was not my home and I did not know how I got there. I was in a strange dark place with this man that I had never seen before. He grinned at me and I do not know if it was my eyes or my imagination but I could swear that he smiled at me with two faces. One face was the face of a man who seemed harmless enough but the other face was an evil maniacal face. The eyes slanted upward as it grinned. The teeth were a greenish yellow color and jagged. The grin was lascivious in nature and I think it was drooling. I focused on the face that was more pleasing to look at and when he handed me the crack I took it as if all was well.
“You look confused. Do you not remember us meeting two days ago?” they said.
“Not really I’ve had along week. Can I use your bathroom?”
He pointed the way and as soon as my hands touch the bathroom sink, I began to hyperventilate. I had to get control of myself this could not be happening. I have lost two days of my life. I splashed water on my face and tried to remember.
I was at home alone trying to avoid the voice and then I remembered. I took a big hit and split in two. There was the five days of no sleep me and myself. She was conniving and only came out to tell me that she was taking over. I remember us rejoining and going to look in a mirror. I could see my reflection as if it were far away. It was as if I was looking at a reflection of my body from another room. Man talking about a fugue state I was indeed in a limbo of my own creation. To make matters worse I felt no need to change it. This other me kept getting high, leaving me quite content. The memory of that first night sent me into a revelry. I felt intoxicated and it did not matter who this two-faced stranger was because I myself had two faces.
Suddenly the room seemed to darken. I was instantly surrounded by a host of shadow entities. I could feel my blood running cold and my heart began to pound as if it wanted out of my chest. I got tunnel vision, the longer the tunnel became the more shadows that lined the tunnel. Did I overdose? Did that guy give me some killer crack? I was not sure and I was not about to stick around to find out. If I was going to die, I was going to die on my feet away from these shadows.
To be continued…
I ran out of the bathroom in a panic. The man with the two faces split in two. The one with the nice face looked confused even as if his feelings were hurt. I knew instantly that he was not an obstacle it was mister nasty face that I had to contend with, you know as ugly as his face was his body was to die for and I hesitated.
“We had plans remember? We are going to get high until this entire pile of crack is gone.” He pointed at a table piled high with what looked like a couple kilos of crack cocaine. My knees weakened, I really needed that crack, but before I could make up my mind, I heard something behind me. It was as if something were moving swiftly. I felt a breeze pass my face and they began to arrive. The shadows sought to surround me. I looked at the gorgeous bodied demon headed guy and kicked him in the nuts.
“You are not worth them catching me.” I said as I ran by and grabbed a block of the crack off the table on the way out the door. I had to think fast I needed a crowded place to get high with… The shadows they did not follow me outside, which was a new dilemma. I needed a place to get high with a few people and a lot of light. I will deal with what happens at nightfall when it gets here.
“Let me the fuck in.” I said holding up an eight ball of the crack I had. I know what you are thinking, bitch you said that you had a block of crack. I did I weighed it and it was about two and a quarter pounds. However, any real crackologist knows that you do not take that much crack to a crack house and expect to be safe. I stashed most of it and only had about an ounce on me with an eight ball in my hand. Oh, and for those of you who know nothing about drugs an eight ball is an eighth of an ounce. Anyway, “I know you hear me bitch open the fucking door today is your lucky day.” My friend Eddie finally came to the door. “What the hell is going on?” He asked yawning. “Let’s get fucked up and I will tell you a little story on the way.” With those words, he grinned from ear to ear.
To be continued…
So, a little info about Eddie, minor multiple personality disorder and his alter ego does not care for me. I knew upon arrival that after about three days of smoking crack with Eddie his other personality would surface and I would have to go. I would have to deal with that obstacle when it came up. For now, Eddie and I conversed about my experiences during the past week. For the first-time reader, you should know that I was taken over by my crack fiend doppelganger and ended up on a blacked out three-day run with some strange dude with a secret of his own. It took me a while to relay to Eddie the past events, especially since I was jumpy in fear and expectation of what the coming nightfall held in store for me. Oh yeah there were shadow demons after me and only the daylight kept them at bay. The eight ball I arrived with was getting thin about an hour in so I reached into my pants for the quarter ounce I had hidden there. Don’t forget not a man so I did not hide it in the back door. Anyway, as I broke about a twenty of that new stash there was a knock at the door. Eddie’s house was an intimate crack house. Not intimate as a lot of sex happened there even though it did on occasion happen, but intimate as in only a few choice people got high there. It was Gina, a sixteen-year-old crack addict who I happened to have taken under my wing. Okay in the essence of transparency, I had a crush on her but I am not a monster she was way to young so I kind of just had her back as a show of affection. She tended to get herself into sticky situations with the wrong people. Today however the shoe was on the other foot with me hiding out from my demons and all.
“Hey where the hell have you been all week?” she said hugging me.
“I am still trying to sort out all the details but I am being chased by some loathsome creatures.”
“Yeah I think she just needs sleep.” Eddie said through a cloud of smoke. “She has a lot of dope though, here have some.”
Eddie had a thing for Gina but I think Gina thought he was creepy which he was. So, we blew massive clouds, listened to music, and shot the shit until the crack ran out.
“I have more Gi but is getting dark and I am scared.” I whispered to Gina.
“Stop trippin I got you lets go get that shit; I’m starting to come down.” She whispered back.
It was not completely dark the sky was that pink color that the sky turns when the sun is on its way down. The crack wasn’t far but night was too close for comfort. We ran down the block and turn the corner. The street was shaded because of the buildings and they started to arrive my knees began to knock and I put a death grip on Gina’s arm.
“What the fuck is that?” Gina whispered hoarsely in my ear.
Too be continued…
It was a bit of a blur but I was happy that I was not the only person that saw it.
“It is one of those shadow things I told you about.” I said with a shudder.
“You got to be kidding me. Did you see the fangs on that thing? There was nothing shadow about that.” She whispered loudly.
I thought about it and she was right shadows did not have fangs. We dipped around a corner a few feet from my house. She grabbed my hand and I knew she was scared. That meant that I had to be brave. We entered my house safely and we both headed for the bathroom. She went to throw up and I went to get the drugs I had stashed in the toilet tank. As she stood up wiping her mouth with the back of her hand we both cracked up laughing.
“That was some scary shit,” she said. “Maybe we are just too high.”
At that moment, I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye in the mirror. I calmed myself and gestured toward the mirror. Making eye contact I mouthed a silent countdown and on three we turned we turned to the mirror. Next to us was two of the badest bitches either of us had ever seen in real life. Their eyes were dead cold and their smirks were even colder. They grabbed us and a cold sensation went through me. The reflections in the mirror became one with us and we were in the background as they controlled our bodies. I could hear the one inside me laughing wickedly with my very own voice. I did not protest for long when they began to smoke my crack. In the mirror in my face and I could do nothing. The only reason I was only mildly pissed off was because I was higher than I had ever been before. The night had just begun and I hoped that Gina was just as high as I was because we were about to leave the house.
We went to a club I had never seen or heard of before. It was strange because every person had a colored aura and those that did not were the ones who had just come in and it was not long before they joined the ranks of the weird. It did not take me long to figure out that the auras were the visitors that had invited themselves into their hosts. I was privileged after several hours to see the invader leave Gina’s body. She looked at me in disgusted horror as my invader followed. They had found other interests. We found a quiet corner to regroup.
“We have to get the fuck out of here. I have been watching all night and they move in and out of people’s bodies like ghosts.” I whispered loudly in Gina’s ear.
“What the fuck! Give me a hit I am going to have to be high for this shit.” Gina screamed over the music.
So, we smoked crack in that corner for about 45 minutes by that time I swore something was crawling on me so we headed for the nearest exit.
To be continued….
To be honest I was not sure if I was grossed out or amazingly excited. I realized now that all the times I thought I had blacked out were not just blackouts. I looked at Gina she looked just as confused as I felt. She looked up at me and we both laughed. Mostly because we were paranoid high. We went back to my place and sat there unable to speak. Then finally Gina said,
“Dude you gotta move. Those crazy mean hot chicks will come back eventually now that they know where you live.”
“Really move, with what money?”
“Come on Reggie this is serious. Do you want to go to sleep at night wondering where you will be in the morning or wake up wondering where you have been? We have enough problems with our drug habit. Personally, I don’t need any new reasons to be paranoid.”
Then it clicked our drug problem was the problem. Those entities at the club were inside people that were all high as kites.
“I think our habit is our major problem Gina. Those things wanted to be inside us cause we were high. Maybe we should quit. Go to rehab or something.”
I looked up to see Gena with the bag of crack.
“What?” she said.
We laughed. That shit was not going to happen right now.
“Hey maybe you can sell some of this shit. That way you get money to move and we don’t smoke ourselves to death.” Gina suggested.
So, it began. We took to the streets and before we knew it we were swimming in money and as high as two girls could get. I had not realized how much dope I had. In about three weeks I had a new place and had bought a couple more kilos. We were so high and paranoid that we found a place in another town. Well it wasn’t a strange town or anything it was Gina’s home town. We soon found out that much had changed at the old home town.
We noticed the changes when we went to Gina’s family home. Her parents were like zombies. This was strange because the last time we saw them they were getting us high. We had come by to return the favor. I put a pound of crack and an eight ball of heroin on the table. Heroin was their drug of choice but they smoked crack as well. Nobody moved. Gina check for signs of life. They were breathing but jut unresponsive. We went to Gina’s old room.
“This shit is freaking me out. My parents ain’t never turned down no fucking dope as long as I have known them.” She was pacing visibly shaken. “They were shitty parents but they are the only ones I got…”
Suddenly there were sounds of life.
“Hey girls where you at?” Gina’s father yelled.
We looked at each other. I could just picture him holding his junk waiting for us to come out. He was a bit of a perve. We looked at each other and slowly made our way into the living room. Her parents were getting out their work for the heroin. They looked up at as and their eyes were hollow. We knew without asking that they had visitors.
To be continued…