It seemed to all happened at once.
Sapphire aimed her blaster at the roof and fired. Tiny, sparkling fragments of rock and ice flew out across the roof and danced in the eddies produced by the mingling air. This'll get their attention!
Fur Mountain shifted, opened one pair of eyes, then two. "Yes!"
Something flew past her, bounced across the smooth floor and rolled towards the FooBars.
"Sapphire! Run! Run!!!!" Guzzi's unmistakeable voice.
Silly boy! I'm a hologram!
But then the psychic force of Guzzi's fear hit her, and she staggered. But... I'm a hologram... How?
Ahead of her the great Fur Mountain that was the BigYar collapsed in on itself only to emerge as four smaller fur balls, each as tall as Schmeep but almost perfectly round and with six protruding limbs. Four FooBars, which with a shrieking howl locked eyes on her, and sprang.
Sapphire, stunned momentarily by the force of Guzzi's warning, recovered enough to look at what was happening. Someone was shooting. The first FooBar slowed, its fur, its skin burning. It went down. She staggered towards the corridor in the wall to the left.
How can a hologram be psychically effected?
Behind her was a soft 'Wump' and the dancing crystals in the air were joined by a swirling galaxy of tiny scarlet specs.
Through the mental haze she could hear the skittering claws of the FooBar on the stone floor, the sounds of a plasma pistol and bestial howls of agony gaining intensity.
Suddenly she was swept up, literally off her feet, and more pain than could surely exist in the entire galaxy cut through her stomach. She was screaming, but didn't know it. She glanced down: her belly was a river of blood. So much... It was getting dark. She looked for Guzzi, but couldn't see him.
Then, warm like the sun, Schmeep Gar was there and her vision dimmed to nothing.
✨ 👽 ✨
So Black.
Like the universe had disappeared.
She had meant to speak, but there were no words.
Quiet... So quiet.
One by one she tested every sense. Dark. Quiet. Um... There was no smell. Nothing at all. Or any taste. Nor was there any sense of touch. Or anything to touch.
Or anything to touch with.
Sapphire fought down the rising panic.
Is this death?
Nothing responded.
Am I dead? She screamed. Or tried to. Nothing came out.
Then warmth. Slight at first, then heat.
Hot! The heat grew. Like a pot slowly coming to boil.
Ow. Ow ow ow ow OWWWWW!
And it stopped.
Then a sound. Music. AC/DC. Back in Black. Loud. Louder. Ear-splitting.
And nothing.
"Don't worry, you're not dead," came the voice of Schmeep's interpreter. "We'll you are. But I'm just calibrating your senses for your new hologram."
Continue reading:
- Dr Plinfinorfyck (G20): https://steemit.com/story/@drwom/dr-plinfinorfyck-g20-a-guzzi-sf-adventure
....Continued from:
- Guzzi (G1): https://steemit.com/story/@drwom/guzzi-a-sf-story-part-1-of-many
- The Garship (G2): https://steemit.com/story/@drwom/the-garship-part-2-of-guzzi-a-sf-story-of-many-parts
- The Entombed (G3): https://steemit.com/story/@drwom/the-entombed-part-3-of-guzzi-a-sf-story-of-many-parts
- The craziest story (G4): https://steemit.com/story/@drwom/the-craziest-story-a-guzzi-sf-adventure-g4
- Maple (G5): https://steemit.com/story/@drwom/maple-a-guzzi-sf-adventure-g5
- Jazz (G6): https://steemit.com/story/@drwom/jazz-a-guzzi-sf-adventure-g6
- The Heraphore (G7): https://steemit.com/writing/@drwom/the-heraphore-a-guzzi-sf-adventure-g7
- Of diamonds and sapphires (G8): https://steemit.com/writing/@drwom/of-diamonds-and-sapphires-a-guzzi-sf-adventure-g8
- Maroiders (G9): https://steemit.com/story/@drwom/maroiders-a-guzzi-sf-adventure-g9
- Jailbreak! (G10): https://steemit.com/story/@drwom/a-guzzi-sf-adventure-g10
- Dying. It's too easy (G11): https://steemit.com/story/@drwom/dying-it-s-too-easy-a-guzzi-sf-adventure-g11
- Into the void (G12): https://steemit.com/story/@drwom/into-the-void-a-guzzi-sf-adventure-g12
- Jahgen (G13): https://steemit.com/writing/@drwom/jahgen-a-guzzi-sf-snapshot-adventure-g13
- The BooYar (G14): https://steemit.com/story/@drwom/the-booyar-a-guzzi-sf-adventure-g14
- Into the tomb (of the entombed) (G15): https://steemit.com/story/@drwom/into-the-tomb-of-the-entombed-a-guzzi-sf-adventure-g15
- Time to go hunting (G16): https://steemit.com/life/@drwom/a-guzzi-sf-adventure-g16
- Something new (G17): https://steemit.com/story/@drwom/something-new-a-guzzi-sf-adventure-g17
- Waking the dead (G18): https://steemit.com/story/@drwom/waking-the-dead-g18-a-guzzi-sf-adventure
The Guzzi series is an example of "Snapshot Fiction", a genre of fiction designed for Steemit - for an explanation of Snapshot Fiction see https://steemit.com/writing/@drwom/snapshot-fiction-a-genre-made-for-steemit
Picture courtesy of pixabay.com

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The matter may not be clear to everyone, but you have written it very well.
You said the whole thing so beautifully that it can not be imagined.
You can write a lot better, your praise will be reduced.
Please let us know as you write it, hopefully you will give us a lot of great gifts.
Stay tuned, stay with us. Keep it up your job Sir. Thanks For Your Everything.
Very interesting post!
Very, interesting, post,,,
Creativity. Good article written.....
wow very nice post
all done