My, How The War On Terror Has Failed

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

The recent terror attacks should only help to solidify the notion that the war on terror has been nothing more than an embarrassment and a failure in it's objective to try and keep people safe and eliminate any threat. We are over a decade into this fight and we have spent trillions of dollars, all of us are being spied on in an unprecedented phishing expedition that violates basic civil liberties on a scale never seen before.

And if we take account of what has been accomplished, it looks like it's been even more warfare, violence, and fear, a few getting rich, and a lot more restrictions to personal liberty being implemented.

The GCHQ and the NSA have demonstrated nothing but incompetence with their data collection, as far as their ability to efficiently prevent these terror events. The reason that we are all conned into submitting to the violation of our liberty is because we are promised that this invisible prison that lawmakers have intended to build around us, that it will keep us safe. That all of the spying and the blue-glove touching, and the cameras on every corner, it's all for our own good and it's all to help catch the bad guys.

Apparently not. Despite the decade+ war and the trillions that has been spent, the millions of people that have lost their lives in this battle. Over one million innocent lives lost because of this war on terror nonsense. And just this week there have been how many killed in terror attacks? And the media is telling you that you need to live in fear every single day because there could be a threat waiting just outside for you.

People are posting “this needs to stop!” and “this needs to end!” and I understand their frustration, any civilized person would be appalled by such a senseless attack and violation of personal property rights. But bad things do happen in the world, it's been that way for thousands of years, and there is no way that any government or politician could ever craft an environment where they could deliver on the promise of nothing bad ever taking place.

When it comes to innocent people having violence initiated against them, let's not forget those included in all of the wars that are going on today which our political representatives have authorized.

What about the children being trafficked tonight? That needs to stop. And the people who are spending time behind bars because of victimless crimes, where they never violated anyone else or their property, that too needs to stop. The trillions of dollars that is being wasted on unconstitutional and unjustified wars, can that stop sometime soon? Could the media stop lying and misleading the public? I'd like that to stop.

Thousands of people today died around the world from heart disease or cancer, but that doesn't make for as interesting a headline as the current story.

It's a shame to consider the amount of resources that have been wasted on a failing initiative that isn't coming to an end anytime soon.

Criminologists have been studying for decades about how society could go about reducing or preventing crime, this includes terrorism. And many different criminal justice programs have been implemented in an effort to try and deter crime and promote rehabilitation with offenders. One thing that doesn't work for certain, is requiring that innocent people sacrifice their own liberty in order to go about punishing those who do commit an offense. An environment where your basic civil liberties are violated, under any pretense, is not going to be a safe environment for you.

When terror attacks occur, most of us should already know that the best solution certainly isn't to afford the state with even more power than they already have. The answer is NEVER to suspend due process for anyone.

Perhaps one day the majority of political representatives around the world who engage in these never ending wars, will consider the concept of blowback and they'll stop using our money in order to engage in conflicts that only make us less safe, creating enemies and destabilization around the globe.



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The USA has been meddling in the affairs of countries in the Middle East since the early fifties, having taken over from the English, who did the meddling before, using only slightly less force.

Border lines were drawn, dictators were installed, armed, and toppled, and the civilian population suffered greatly because of this.

People were bound to be slightly pissed off having suffered through all this.

If you want to reduce terrorism, look at your foreign policies, not at monitoring your population.

Well said my friend. There are alot of senseless deaths that occure everyday and no matter how much privacy you take away or money you throw at it it will not change it.

We may be in this circle for a very long time to come. May God have mercy on the human race.

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MrLucasHunter Abolade Lucas tweeted @ 04 Jun 2017 - 11:50 UTC

My, How The War On Terror Has Failed #LondonAttacks #manchesterattack #terrorism #terror…

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Jesus saves but he wouldn't do it on my salary.

Their is important thing to notice that in every terror attack around the world both in present and past, no politician got killed, only common masses suffer!!!!! Strange @doitvoluntarily

War on terror? You mean war for oil and gold

war on guarding opium fields lol

Nice post. I think we should just try to stop bombing/going into war countries just because some crazy shit is going on down there or because we want some oil. Whatever the reason might be, we should just leave the country alone. The countries we have bombed is in a much worse state now than before. We as in USA, and every other country that took part in this "war against terror" Might aswell be called "The war for terror".

And yet again this morning, before the news has really sunk in, the British Government's first response is "internet regulation"

Wait till they find out about Steemit! :)

The war on terrorism has failed from the perspective of decent human beings, but from the perspective of those who directly profit from it---governments, politicians, defense contractors, etc, etc---, it's a great success and that is the problem. It does nothing to keep the population safe and everything to enrich the powers that be. Personally, while I am concerned about the increasing levels of terror attacks, I am still far more wary of government oppression and tyranny----that is the real threat. In fact, far more people have perished at the hands of their own government than by terrorists.

yup, there's that.. !

Your post reminds me the terror (and it is also a terror) we live in South America with violence striking everywhere because of traficants and the drug. I just sold my car and I am hostage in my own house so afraid of being on the streets (I know your post is about something else, but I feel so afraid of so many things and this is making my mind blow in fear everytime I hear shouts on the streets and there was nothing happening, just kids playing around). And we have no government to do something, and when population does something, NGOs come and say you can't do this, you have to wait others to do it, but nothing happens. Nothing at all!

Thanks for sharing this post @doitvoluntarily (sorry for venting, I am just scared as everyone else)!

yes they will never be there to save you when you need the help, and we will never catch them promoting self responsibility so that people try to protect themselves either..:/

You are right...but the cycle has entered a phrase that you stopped to punch, you are still being punched...poor human race...
May God bless the victims...and the world

may they RIP!

Chaos and bloodshed is what they want. The war is not on terror but on the middleclass/regular folks. Believe me, there is an agenda. They want boots on the ground.

All my life, I was convinced to was stupidity & incompetence in leadership.
I can only come to 1 conclusion now...It was all intentional ! disguised as incompetence to protect the initiators ! Period.

sorry for the long tag, will eliminate after I get do or die feedback, Thanks

Truer words have never been spoken - you hit the nail right on the head. And that Bomb Science 101 poster should be plastered all over the place and be made required reading for every politician!

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Continue about your daily lives citizens, knowing that we are keeping you SAFE.

How ironic I've also just finished a piece v.similar to this! Upvoted :)

There is something to be said for the erosion of personal liberties that has resulted from the "War" on terror, and you've highlighted those well. And while countries like the United States have certainly stuck it their noses into places they don't belong, you can't lay all the blame at the feet of this country, nor can you even lay most of the blame there.

The Muslim terrorists fighting Jihad against the world for not believing in the word of Allah and submitting to his will are acting of their own accord (or at the will of their God). It is a choice they have made, and while one can understand a desire for retaliation when loved ones are killed in military strikes, etc., the fact is that they are targeting civilians. Civilians! I don't care who or what you believe in; the systematic slaughter of civilians is inexcusable, and until the world starts holding them accountable, until it stops blaming the few countries that have ever stood for personal freedoms, until people stop making excuses for terrorists, this war can never be won.

It's much more complicated than that. It's true that there are Muslim terrorists that will go out and kill innocent civilians, but the problem is much worse than that. Some people from the US government agencies had trained the Muslim terrorist groups to do what they're doing, for more deliberate chaos and to control the people, who are fooled into thinking that their government will save them by reducing their privacy and freedoms.

Look up Wahhabism, the Muslims that's you're complaining about are Wahhabists, the other Muslims are pretty much the peaceful ones that get attacked and bombed by the US government. Also the US government are the ones that decided to go to war without the US citizen's consent to do so.

It's tragedy on the largest scale seen in human history. There's only one way to stop it:

“With guns you can kill terrorists, with education you can kill terrorism.”
― Malala Yousafzai

Good day I've followed you and I like your publications, follow me and we help each other

Good article and good points. People cry out about this terrorism but in South Africa, 53 people are murdered daily and nobody cries out! I will do an article shortly about this.

Governments must stop investing trillions of dollars into weapons of mass destruction. i really like this work

It's a joke...then Theresa May has the nerve to come out & say they need MORE control (over the internet). Ya...because clearly you guys are doing such a great job it warrants more authority over people's lives.

hahahahaha exactly

I truly wish the state of the world we live in would get a little better at least every 10 year or so. But i'm afraid it's all going to ^%%^.

Its time to send "THE KNOWN" home !!!

Maybe the state could stop bombing their homes.. just maybe?

The only way to stop war is to kill government. The only way to kill government is with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.