5 Things Intelligent People Face Which They Don’t Really Talk About

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Is being smart, intelligent or brilliant or even all of these three a blessing or a curse?

Everything in life is said to have it’s pro’s and con’s which includes these three. Being any of these three things can sometimes be more of a curse than a blessing. I have always wanted to write on this topic but kept pushing against the idea. For a while, this is basically what my life has been and I have decided to share 5 things (amongst others) intelligent people face but they don't talk about.

1. Pressure to always be the best:

The downside or let me rephrase, one of the downsides of being intelligent is that you are always pressured to be the best. Although it is good to always strive to be the best but being intelligent does not give you room for failure in whatever way. People constantly look up to you to perform well so while others are having fun, you can’t.

2. The tendency to overthink things:

Another thing intelligent people face is that they tend to overthink things through. While a normal person is looking at things from two points of view, intelligent people look at things (situations included) from a vast point of view and worry a lot about the negative aspect of the situation. This tendency leads to over-analysis of things and makes decision making difficult.

3. It is difficult to find friends:

Intelligent people often times seek to be friends with people who are equally or more intelligent than they are and their circle of friends is very small. When such people are not found around them, it leads to isolation, loneliness, poor social lives etc. which is why a certain percentage of intelligent people are introverts.

4. They are perfectionists:

Remember where I mentioned earlier about intelligent people being over thinkers? Well, this makes them be perfectionists because they always look for faults or problems in whatever anyone does and are very difficult to please. Although in your presence they may appreciate your help, when you leave the tendency of them redoing whatever you helped them with is very high. Also, because they are perfectionists, their self-esteem is low, their stress level of high and they overwork themselves.

5. Their biggest fear is failure:

Because they are often pressured to be the best and people are constantly watching them, their biggest fear is a failure. When they make mistakes or fail, they do not take it likely and it always hits them hard which is why sometimes you hear stories of people committing suicide or doing crazy stuff because they had something as crazy as a “C” in a course. You can’t blame such people because it’s difficult being in their shoes. This fear also leads to panic attacks before anything that involves testing of their intellectual knowledge.

Being smart/intelligent has its advantages like every trait but the secret to being happy and having this trait is working on your weakness and improving on our strength. If you know anyone who exhibits such traits, please try to gentle with such person’s.

P.S: What is your take on this topic? I would love to hear from you in the comment section below.
