This is a real-life story of Peter Pan & Wendy.
It is not the typical children’s Disney story version of Peter Pan that we all grew up watching and hearing of. This real story is the modern-day version of Peter and Wendy, more specifically Wendy's story and one you won't want to miss!
Don't Miss The Next Chapter in this Story and Follow#FOMO @defenderofman
It all starts with Wendy, and she is from Texas. However, this story does not take place in Texas. She moved to Atlanta after being promoted to a position she had been working rigorously towards for three years. Finally reaching a major goal, Wendy moved to a hip part of Atlanta. She was living in Midtown Atlanta where she was walking distance to Piedmont Park and was so excited to have all of this adventure right at her fingertips.
One of the first adventures: FREE yoga at Piedmont Parks’ Park Tavern.
The previous weekend, Wendy had been courageous and went out solo to a bar in hopes of meeting some new friends. Luckily the universe worked in her favor because she did! Wendy invited her to join her to do yoga.
Wendy and her friend joked that there wouldn’t be any single AND straight men in this yoga class in Midtown of Atlanta and hoped they were wrong. If there were such beings present, Wendy, and her both asked for the universe to please send those men to them. They laughed together. Looking around the big room full of yogis, it was true. The men that were there were obviously not swinging my way, or clearly with their girlfriend.
Wendy began stretching for the yoga class. She works as a strength trainer and loves to show off her strength and skills in any activity that allows it. Doing so, she saw a man that was sitting on his yoga mat, with a big grin on his face. He seemed very tall, although sitting. Had piercing blue eyes, and sandy blonde hair. He was also supporting the ATL "beard culture" with his own scruff. He wasn’t smiling at me, but he just seemed so unbelievably happy with life. This intrigued me and his energy had a draw. For full color and your entertainment, Wendy first saw him peering through her legs as she did a standing straddle stretch, folding over to the ground, booty facing him. Luckily, she was confident about this asset working to her benefit.
The class began, and Wendy strived to do all poses 150% and did a really sick chair pose. Clearly, Wendy could and does squat. The yoga class was fun and challenging and after class, Wendy went back to grab her phone to check-in on Facebook to post some photos from the yoga class on to her IG.
The room that the yoga class was in had a view of the Atlanta Midtown Skyline right before sunset, with a bunch of people and their yoga mats which all made for some great social media posts (side note, these used to be called Kodak moments before the digital photography age #nostalgia). As Wendy finished up her posts, she stood up and that guy she noticed from class earlier walked right up to her.
She wanted to react like a deer in headlights, but then turned around to make sure there wasn't anyone behind her but there wasn't, only a wall. If Wendy could raise her eyebrow at him, she would have. Panick-y and random thoughts flooded her mind: Did he hear her before class? Did the universe answer THAT prayer? What does he want? Wendy chuckled at her rush of anxiety and decided to act confidently.
The tall handsome, blonde, and piecing blue-eyed man introduced himself.
“Hi, I am Peter.”
“Hi, I am Wendy.”'
P-“Have you done this class before?”
W-“No, I just moved here.”
P-“When, and from where?”
W-“1 month ago and from Texas”
P-“Would you like to get some coffee sometime?”
W-“I love coffee”
P-“Great, can I get your number”
W-“That seems like the logical next step”
They both giggled and smiled at each other. Their conversation was a rapid firing flow of wittiness. They exchanged numbers and Wendy thought to herself, Well played Wendy, well played. Maybe I do have some game.
They exchanged numbers. Wendy’s new friend was miming out signals and mouthing out "is he cute?" like any good friend would when her friend was giving out their number to a handsome gentleman.
The free yoga class offered a free beer at the bar. So, Wendy and her friend went for the freebies down at the bar.
Peter had already texted Wendy:
"Peter from Yoga."
"Wendy from Yoga."
Wendy knew it was a great sign that he already reached out. She thought for sure he would wait to do so for three days; that stupid dating rule. Wendy appreciated his logic and action. She was excited to meet with him hopefully that week.
Peter texted Wendy later that week, on a Wednesday.
P-Whatsup Wendy, how's your week going?
W-Week is going well, you?
Peter then proceeded to ask Wendy out for the next day for Coffee at Ponce City Market. Unfortunately, Wendy was a workaholic, so work kept her late and she missed Peter at Ponce.
Wendy thought she wouldn't hear back from him. She was disappointed that meeting him didn't work out.
Saturday came and Wendy had brunch at Hobnob with her amazing new group of friends she met at Ponce City Market on a Saturday a previous weekend. They all went out for a spad day afterward. Peter had texted Wendy asking to hang out last minute again that day. Frustrated, Wendy texted Peter that she was busy with her girlfriends have a girls day.
He later responded inviting her to a chili cook-off and added that his dad and brother were also there. Not interested in meeting the whole family on a first date, Wendy waited to reply and then let him know she was on her way home and asked how long he planned to be there to stall before she decided to say she wasn't going. He said he decided to skip it and asked if Wendy and he could do something tomorrow, Sunday. He was giving her a whole day heads up.
Wendy thought to herself, finally this dude is making real plans with me.
Sunday, Peter texted Wendy:
P-Acroyoga in the park?
P-I'm going to go swimming, want to meet at 1?
W-Yes, that works for me
W-Okay P-Meet me here: Eastside BeltLine Trail,+Atlanta,+GA/@33.7692151,-84.3647417,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x88f5041a99e68801:0xe21e997bc4c039db!8m2!3d33.7692107!4d-84.362553
She did lie to him. She wasn't free at 1 PM but she did clear her schedule so she could do acroyoga with a stranger. Seemed like a solid plan that definitely felt right deep to her core.
Stay Tuned To see what happens on Peter and Wendy's First Date & Follow @defenderofman
In the Meantime, Comment Below About Your
**What was your best first date ever like? What did you do? What made it so memorable? Comment Below!
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