the social classification of men in the global society.

in #writing8 years ago

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One important thing men have to know is that, human beings recognize and develop relationships based on social skills and status in the society.
The way you talk, act and relate with other people determines your place in the social strata and on the mating food chain. it also determines who you mate with, who chooses you and who you choose.

Look carefully, evaluate and note from the 5 basic types of males in almost every society.
This is a knowledge which has been well talked of on numerous occasions on the Internet but am going to give a clear explanation of what this is.

What type of man are you? read on to get a full revelation, you will be surprised.

1. The Alpha male :
The alpha is the confident, charismatic, leader who gets all the attention and admiration from people especially women. Alphas are your top government officials, movie actors, musicians and models with the looks, money and status to match.
In school, the alpha is the leader who's liked by everyone including the ladies. he occupies high positions in school .

Alphas also can be uneducated. these are the bad boys who are gang members with no jobs. but the title of alpha resonates with them because of their ability to charm women, stand their ground and attract even the most professional of women notwithstanding his short comings. they are every woman's sex fantasy and dream, fulfilling the sexual desires of women.
2. The beta male
this person lacks the assertiveness of the alpha, is timid, shy and lacking in self esteem and confidence. the beta is friendly to people but doesn't become a leader. the beta has a very weak appeal to beautiful women and is most times friend zoned (has many female friends).
Women tend to extract resources from this guy and then go back to sleep with the alpha who can bring out her feminine side by asserting his masculine traits.
In school, the beta is well known but is passively seen as "nice" and nothing more. he's also a born follower instead of leader (lacking leadership qualities).

3. The omega male
this male is not popular, isn't attractive, doesn't strike any interest to any woman or to people in the society.
This class of men are the under to bottom class workers in the society who engage in jobs like plumbing, low scale commercial farming, electrical wiring, mail man, delivery boy or man, bricklayer/mason,begging all depending on the country or the part of the world he's located.
In school the omega is a nervous wreck, bullied, picked on, is the social outcast, the laughing stalk and the scorn of the rest in school. made fun of for either his size, background, awkward mannerisms, ugly facial features or deformities, the omega goes through school almost unnoticed. there's nothing special or memorable about him.

4. The Sigma male :
this type of male is the total opposite of the alpha. or moreso, the arch rival to the alpha male. The biggest strength of the sigma is his ability to manipulate people to accept his ideas and fulfill his agendas for him. confident, charisma, the sigma in the most differing characteristic from the alpha Isn't concerned with leading or being popular. he's more of a quiet observer. people see the qualities of the sigma and respect him for who he is.
And now to the most recent and final type of male on this list:

5. The zeta male:
the zeta male is unique. due to the knowledge he has about society, the class system and how women choose partners and use their sexuality to extract resources and gain advantage from the government through family courts in cases of divorce, leading to alimony, child support etc. All these are embodied under the 'Red PIll' concept which is all about revealing the truth about the false system.
The zeta male neither wants to be the alpha nor is he the beta or does he care if he's perceived as an omega and wouldn't participate as the sigma. The zeta does things on his own terms and doesn't participate in the system. This has given rise to the MRA (men's rights movement) and it other red pill philosophies like MGTOW (men going their own way) which is gaining a large following on the internet.
MGTOW is a defense mechanism to the feminist rules and ideologies plaguing Western societies. men are opting out of participating in the system through denying women of marriage, dating and dusting aside chivalry in the western societies where women get much protections and support reflected in it's laws.

So, the honest question to ask again is, what type of male are you?