Hearing this word can bring on an uneasy feeling of impatient eagerness. It can bring about negative and unpleasant thoughts as one wrestles with the will to be still.
In a want now society who has the strength to halt their desires and await results? Who can possibly cease their going’s to hang around and wait out time?
When there’s excitement for an anticipated response or a hopeful outcome it can be difficult to hold back and stay calm. Disappointment stirs up when one is ushered to hold on and sit tight.
There’s so much to do and see and places to go, so many plans to come to pass, there’s no time to wait…or is there?
Is waiting such a bad thing?

As I look at the bloomed flower I realize that it wouldn’t be as beautiful if it would have rushed it’s time. There are so many factors that determine if a flower will reach its full bloom. If it hadn’t waited for the right temperature and weather or the correct amount of sunlight it might have not blossomed so beautifully.
The flower knew it had to wait for the right time to commence flowering. It knew that if it held out and resisted temptation of early blossoming it’s beauty would reign for all to admire. It would be able to serve it’s important purpose in nature and cultivate its health benefits.
It just had to continue going through it’s process. It had to complete each stage of growth for it to reach its full potential.

Don’t feel sorry for the bud that hasn’t bloomed, in due time it too will get to share it’s beauty and power with the world. It already knows its special and soon will shine with the rest.
Just wait.
I’ve learned that in waiting I become stronger. My faith, hope and trust in the Lord grow stronger. When I have to endure those moments of delay or postponements it’s all part of a process.
I have grown tremendously due to working on my patience. Sometimes when we think it should be right now the best things for us comes later. My husband can surely testify to this as he waited many years for me and never gave up hope on us. We both had some growing and maturing to do before we united together.
Some of the things I thought I needed at a certain moment I found out later on were never meant for me. If I hadn’t waited I could have been in some bad situations.

There are times when I thought I was ready, where I could handle it all but once again it wasn’t so. I needed to go through the stages of growth in order to manage the pressure under certain circumstances. I had to finish blossoming in order to fully bloom.
Waiting, being fully aware of a situation, gathering facts and discerning, taking the time to analyze…these are the things that will save us unnecessary trouble.
Don’t be too discouraged when things are at a stand still and you must wait things out. You never know but this could be a blessing in disguise helping to prevent a negative outcome.
Allow yourself time and room to go through your process. What you may not be ready for today you may be ready for later on in life. We all bloom at different times and in different ways, its what makes us unique.
Where will life’s journey take you? Just wait and see!

I am so grateful for this beautiful tree that is currently blossoming in our neighborhood. I do not know what kind of tree it is but the flowers smell lovely and makes our neighborhood even more attractive. My family and I took a walk earlier this week taking advantage of the nice weather. It was the perfect time to take some snapshots of the tree.
It was in those moments of taking and editing these photos that my thoughts of growth and waiting came about. Most times instead of me looking for a post to write it finds me to write it. I feel a great responsibility with the thoughts and ideas that come to me and I must present them here in a way that could possibly encourage someone else.
This may sound crazy but lately a lot of my growing comes from when I write. I learn a lot about myself and others through what I publish. Hive is like an open journal for me and writing out my thoughts and feelings teach me new things I may not have realized about myself and my life. It’s true when they say writing is good for the soul.

Ah yes. WAITING! Something us beings to not like to do. We want to BE and not .... wait .... But that is why our wonderful Heavenly Father reminds us to wait on Him! Be still and know Him. Just .... wait. Beautiful photos for such a poignant post dear @crosheille. How are you and your beautiful family?
Right?! It’s a very popular trigger word because it’s definitely not our first choice to do.
Yes!! He knows better than we do!
So glad you enjoyed the photos. 😉
We are doing really well. My oldest girl turned 12 last week and we are now preparing for her get together with friends this weekend. We’ll have a house full of tweens (she’s trying to
convince me to just call her a teen…uhmmm not happening and no thanks 😄).
How are you and your precious family?
Funny reading your comment @crosheille. Because earlier today my four year old was explaining to me that he is now so big he is almost an adult! I had to burst his bubble slightly but telling him that he has to be a teen FIRST and THEN when he is as big as Daddy he will be an adult. So now he thinks he's going to turn "teen" tomorrow ..... and I'm going NO WAY!!!!! So for you to already have an (almost) teen, how does that feel? Why do they grow so fast?!!!!!
Hahaha that was so funny and so cute at the same time. Aw bless his little heart. 😄☺️🤗
Oh my goodness it's soooo unreal. I keep watching her baby videos asking myself when did this happen? She was just my little baby girl yesterday it seems. I admit I don't think I'm going to handle this well but I know I'll get through it. I know the process is for our children to grow into adults but...I am not ready for it at all. 🥺😥😩
This was really beautiful and interesting to read, I personally love Flowers and how you derived inspiration from them, I am inspired as well. Sometimes while waiting it can get overwhelming, doubts begin to arise like are you doing the right thing 😩. I'm glad I came across your post today.
Thank you for the compliment of my writing @rahjuhnoh and for taking the time to read it. ☺️
I’m so glad you were inspired. Waiting is truly a challenge but sometimes the outcome can have a tremendous positive impact ~ 😉❤️
Thank you, I will try to stay positive 🥰
The power of now.
When you live in the moment waiting is never a thing, it's not easy and I'm still learning but applying the power of now to the way you live life has huge benefits.
When I get stuck in traffic I see it as an opportunity to be present and enjoy the moment, there is nothing else you can do in such situations so getting stressed about makes everything worse.
Can't 'wait' for your next post @crosheille
I agree. There’s no point in getting worked up about things when it’s out of your control.
Thanks for adding your input Mark ~
Wait.... @crosheille you really talked to me personally🤦♀️. You know, I have this attitude of "impatient"! Should I call it attitude or character? Whatever, but it has been dealing with me.
My husband always reminds me to wait, be patience and your expectations will come through one day. But no, I always want it to happen almost immediately forgetting that there is a growing phase just like the flowers you used as an illustration in this content.
I had a deep reflection of my life after reading this content before dropping my comment. Thanks for sharing this amazing topic, I got value and I hope to implement it.
For those flowers 🌺, they are charming! My love for nature.💞
This comment made me smile. I appreciate you sharing your struggle of being patient. It is tough and sometimes takes more strength than you think you have but we all have it built in us to accomplish this.
I'm really glad to know that the illustration I shared helped you have a deep reflection. I really hope you are able to implement waiting too. ☺️😉💖
I’m glad you enjoyed the flowers ~ 🌸
Thanks for your kind words ma😊
Anytime ~ 😉
Beautiful writing and photos. Looks like an amazing tree and I can just smell it! Waiting is tough and definitely not fun, but it does build character.
Isaiah 40:31
But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
Thank you! ☺️
This is exactly the scripture that came to mind while I was writing. It has helped me many times to be still while waiting on Him. 🙌🏽
Such a beautiful tree..as pretty as your writing...so creative 😁
I love looking at this tree. Thank you so much for your kind words about my writing ~ 😊
This is really lovely and interesting to read
Thanks for taking the time to do so @emeka4 :)
I really like the picture you took, it's very good, I find it not easy to take a photo like the one you took, it seems to produce such a photo must have special skills ...
Thank you for appreciating the photos @kemal29 :)
I've been experimenting and practicing with photos for over five years now. It did take some time for me to learn how to make them look the way I want. For me it's more of a passion than a skill. I love taking photos so I put a lot of time and effort into them. If you can find different editing apps that you like and learn how to use them you can really add vibrancy to your photos ;)