..The only thing I can compare it to is how I felt when I was warming up in Madeira and I saw my mother and sister huddled together in the stands.
When we returned to the Bernabeu to celebrate, Cristiano Jr. and Marcelito were playing around on the field in front of all the fans. It was a much different scene than when I was playing in the streets at his age, but I hope that the feeling for my son is the same as it was for me. Menino querido da família.
After 400 matches with Madrid, winning is still my ultimate ambition. I think I was born like that. But the feeling after I win has definitely changed. This is a new chapter in my life. I had a special message engraved on my new Mercurial boots. It’s right on the heel, and the words are the last thing that I read before I lace them up and go to the tunnel.
It is like a final reminder … a final motivation. It says, “El sueño del niño.”
The dream of the child.
Maybe now you understand.
In the end, of course — my mission is the same as it has always been. I want to continue to break records at Madrid. I want to win the most titles possible. This is just my nature.
But what means the most to me about my time in Madrid, and what I will tell my grandchildren about when I am 95 years old, is the feeling of walking around the pitch as a champion, hand in hand with my son.
I hope we will do it again.
Author: Cristiano Ronaldo " https://www.theplayerstribune.com/author/cristiano-ronaldo/ "
source: https://www.theplayerstribune.com/cristiano-ronaldo-madrid-english/ image source 1: https://media.theplayerstribune.com/ image source 2: https://twitter.com/Cristiano If you want to know more about this champion stay in touch ;) https://steemit.com/@cristano-ronaldo
nice story thnx for sharing @cristano-ronaldo
u r welcome @thegoldenphoenix ;)