Martian Bitcoin Mastodons? ~ An Exercise in Creative Writing

in #writing8 months ago (edited)

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
- Albert Einstein...

Bitcoin Elephants on MARS?

You might be surprised at what can be found wandering around the Red Planet these days...

Edgar Rice Burroughs certainly uncovered a plethora of amazing and unexpected treasures, as did Robert Anson Heinlein after him.

Rex Damascus of InkblotArt has been publishing daily visual prompts on nostr that stretch the imagination. Each day, there's a new inkblot. The challenge is to look at the inkblot and describe what it looks like to you.

As a writer, I tend to see entire stories in these inkblots. I wrote a short story explaining what I imagine I see in the recent example below. Can you see it?


Severely Injured Horned Martian Mastodon (source)

Martian Mastodons, OH My!

An Exercise in Creative Writing
by Duncan Cary Palmer

This is the portrait of a rare, Martian Horned Shaggy Bitcoin Mastodon who lost most of his tusks and trunk in a terraforming accident, revealing the mirror-image Bitcoin Icons that run the length of the tusks.

Poachers at one time made this an endangered species on the Red Planet, hunting the beasts for their ivory tusks which they then sliced, mounted in backlit Koa wood shadowboxes, and sold to collectors for outrageous prices on the black market.

Conservationist communities saved the bloodline when they began identifying the perpetrators, trying and convicting them of genocide, and exiling them to the penal colony on Phobos for rehabilitation. The restored elephant community now handles much of the heavy lifting involved in making Mars more comfortably habitable by humans.

Why don't you give Rex's InkblotArt a try? Expand your imagination a little. You've got nothing to lose but your boredom, and (if you join nostr, set up a bitcoin lightning wallet, and reply to the daily inkblot prompt with what you imagine) you have some bitcoin sats to gain.

HINT: For a few extra sats, be sure to include the #InkblotArt tag when you reply to the daily inkblot on nostr.


NOTE: Don't miss the enlightening hyperlinks in my posts.
IMAGES are my own, open source, by permission, or fair use.

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