Hi, my name is Eve and I don’t know how to write.
Hi, My name is cornerstone and I'm an alcoholic. Wait...
I think I'm in the wrong room. 😯
But hey, If you learn to write, I'll buy you a drink! 🤣
Hi, my name is Eve and I don’t know how to write.
Hi, My name is cornerstone and I'm an alcoholic. Wait...
I think I'm in the wrong room. 😯
But hey, If you learn to write, I'll buy you a drink! 🤣
Maybe if we make it a joined group, get drunk and learn how to write, would be so much more fun. Oh wait, you are not supposed to drink in an AA meeting are you?
Well, never found AA so, I'm down!
You bring the pens, I'll bring the drinks. 🖊✏🍹🥂