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RE: Standing Together Against Plagiarism

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Good work!

However, I'd like to object to (or get informed on?) a part of steamcleaners algorithm... Namely, regarding dtube videos and wikipedia entries. I've got another channel which is dedicated to finding and uploading various obscure yet worthy films and documentaries which aren't easily available elsewhere. As a filmmaker myself I consider it a kind of educational pursuit, fair use etc and of course if copyright holders object or the material does get readily available again I'll gladly take it down.

So anyways, steemcleaners... I place wikipedia quotations on most of the videos and I often do get tagged by the steemcleaner bot for the effort. In this case, I don't believe that this can be called plagiarism because the main content isn't the post but the video itself. On some videos I do add a comment of my own but for pure facts I do rely on wikipedia. If these videos are for educational purposes then some informative text from authoritative source should be welcome.

So is there a way to avoid getting tagged by the bot? Maybe a way of formatting that I am not aware of? I simply copy paste wikipedia text and drop "/wikipedia/" at the end of the quotation. Could it be simply the problem of formatting?


Try reading the Abuse Guide provided by Steemcleaners. That would probably explain why you are being flagged.

Yeah, thanx. I did a bit of reading and managed to clean up my act (mostly a matter of formatting, duh...) It seems that linking to the original article the quotation comes from is all it takes.. And a few words of my own.
When batch uploading I usually put only the quotations in the original post, leaving my own comments for later revisions (otherwise it gets all messy, having to switch from technical uploading job to creative writing one... it's hard on the brain. Not to mention that I usually do one at my desktop while the other is usually done in a cafe with a laptop). But the bot gets me in the interim.. it's too quick! Seems I'll have to adapt my workflow for Steemit...