Memory of the Youth 少年往事 | Monthly Review

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

"Who hasn't done some ridiculous things in a young age?" "Qing often said to himself.


“ 年少时谁还没干过几件荒唐事呢?”一清时常这样跟自己说道。

Qing began to have a subtle feeling of the difference between men and women. Although Qing did not know the passionate love, he had begun to like a girl in the class. He often dreamed to have a chance to approach the girl. He wanted the girl to notice him and like him finally.


The opportunity came at last. During the vacation of busy farming season, the girl was going to stay at her grandmother's house for a few days. Qing felt it was a good opportunity, for he was in the same village as her grandmother. He wanted to grasp the chance so that he tried his best to find ways to approach the girl.


Coincidently, his grandmother had an old cave-house, which just next to the girl’s grandmother's house. Qing often took a stroll near grandma's cave dwelling and intended to get a chance to meet the girl.


Grandma's old cave-house which was built many years ago had three independent rooms. When Qing was a child, he lived in the cave-house with his grandmother for a while. After dividing up family property and live apart, Qing had not been lived there any more and grandma also moved to the new yard. Sometimes, the family members came to the old cave dwelling to deposit something, but no one actually lived in it. The old cave-house was in a dilapidated condition. The plaster began to peel, and some bricks began to reveal the corner.

一清小时候很调皮,时常会抓着那些砖墙,沿着墙边爬上去,虽然每次爬到半途,向下望去,感觉异常危险,但小孩子嘛,多是很调皮的。因为这边墙角太过于陡峭,虽然可以爬上去,但是很难顺着再溜下去,而墙的另外 一边有棵大树,刚好靠着墙,所以一清总是习惯从那边爬上窑洞顶部,再从窑洞这边靠树的一边溜下去,经常爬上爬下,上蹿下跳,一时乐此不疲。

When Qing was a little boy, he was quite naughty and often clutched the brick to climbed up the wall. Although every time he climbed half way and looked down with an abnormally dangerous feeling, he still liked to do so. Though he can climb up, it was hard to slid down the wall again for the corner of wall was too steep. There was a big tree on the other side of the wall which was right against the wall. For that reason, Qing got used to climb up to the top of the cave-house, and then slid down from the side which has the tree. Qing was happy to climb up and down at that time.


The top of the cave is slightly protruding in the middle and lower on both sides with cement floor. By this means, the rainwater would flow down along the both sides, and the cave-house would not be crushed because of the snow in the winter or rain in summer.


The top of the cave-house is a relatively open area, and Qing often played with his friends when he was young. On the other side of it was the kitchen roof of the girl's grandma's house.

一天下午,一清又像往常一样爬上窑洞顶,站在靠近女孩子外婆家的厨房屋顶上向院子里望去,发现女孩子正一个人坐在院子里,手里好像是拿本书在看。一清看这情况,心中不由大喜,他从屋顶上拿起一片瓦片,轻轻敲碎,捡起其中一块,顺手向院子里空旷地方扔去,他希望此举能引起 那女孩子的注意。

One afternoon, Qing climbed up the cave-house roof as usual, and stood near the girl's kitchen roof. When he looked into the yard, he found the girl was reading there by herself. Qing was very happy and he considered it was a good chance. He picked up a piece of tiles from the roof, and gently broke. Then he chose one piece and threw it to the empty place in the courtyard in order to attract the girl's attention.


It seems that something's broken for the crisp sound. Qing waited for a long time, there wasn't anything happened in the yard below. He stood up quietly and looked into yard. The girl‘s attention seems not be attacked for she was still reading there.


Once again he picked up another piece of tile that had just broken before, and he thew it into the open space of the yard in the right direction with all his strength in this time.


With the sound of clang, the tiles fell not far from the girl. The girl was shocked by the sudden sound. She closed the book and looked around but found nothing. Then she heard some tiny little noises from the roof behind, and finally found Qing, who was smiling to her simple and honest.


The girl blushed for that situation. She had a good impression on him, either. She stood up and came to him. Qing showed the prepared book and asked her whether she wanted to read or not through his expression. By seeing the girl's nod, Qing thew the book directly into the yard…


Qing was in a state of excitement for the following days. He began to imagine the life with the girl, even thinking about getting married and giving birth to babies… His heart was full of sweet.


However, something very embarrassing happened a few days later.


The girl's grandmother came to Qing's home and complained to his mother:"Your son threw tiles to my house and even broke several bowls." Qing belongs to an extended family in the village which has some relationship with the girl's family. Considering Qing was just a naughty little boy, they did not blame him too much.


While his mother still felt sorry for that, so she bought a few new bowls. She sent the bowls to the neighbor and made a sincerely apology. This embarrassing things turned to another page.


However, Qing was very angry. He considered that he was falling love with the girl and going to marry her. He thought that there was no need to care about the bowls for the two families would merge into one sooner or later. So he got a little angry and felt that they were too mean.


Otherwise, he hadn't figured out that how the bowls was broken for he just thew the tiles. Was the old woman trying to deceive him?

哎,不管怎样,“ 年少时谁还没干过几件荒唐事呢?”一清这样宽慰自己。

"Who hasn't done a few ridiculous things in his youth?" Qing said to himself relievedly.

作者: @rivalhw 译者: @vickylin


Hmm.. interesting. At first, i thought it would be about a silly wild love adventure about romance and taking risks. Then i thought it's actually about Qing past, and how it affected his present and future. In the end, it was all about the bowls and the roof tiles ahahahha. Funny intriguing story :D

It's about what one remembers from his youth lol. I believe those things mattered the most for Qing at that time, am i right? So that has more emotional load attached to it, so he will remember this things (for us may be silly but for him not so much haha) in time, as years pass by. And in the end, Who hasn't done a few ridiculous things in his youth? :D

You've got the point~
These things maybe seem stupid in our eyes, but it could be the most memorable thing in the author's heart. I really admire him for he can experience such pure feeling of love.

lol, it is a funny story But worth to remember. and his first secret love was ended in a silly way.




We're easily to get access to pure love when we were young. Though we did ridiculous things, they were definitely worth doing.

that's it.



Good story


Nice share. I read with interest.