I love to write and here is a good rant on why

in #writing4 years ago

Why writing is a crucial learning tool to use.

Writing out the word salad of life, the lie and the truth that it gives.
Writing is necessary to learn about your human rights, because you actually need to learn how civil issues arise and how to go about solving them.
It helps you learn the language we use, and it also helps us to determine who we are - by forcing the word salad out, to display your truest feelings, and sometimes those feelings can be quite hard to figure out. Plus there's a myriad of them. So civics class is not one that should have ever been changed into social studies.

Writing allows a person to freely display the hardest things that they've ever had to go through in life. It helps the writer and the reader at the same time where it allows for us to share, and seek human emotions, and expressions - and share in our passions and love - and just what drives us.

I love to write because it gives me the chance to completely start from scratch and create your own imagination or envision, and to speculate through the chaos that life represents itself as... (As if this life we're living is true life at all.) This life couldn't stay true to humanity anymore as though there's a great big F.U. failure written across life's forehead of lies, lies, smear campaigns and denial of the truth.

I love to write because I find it necessary for a person living in the world to know every last little detail about the world, up to and including learning about the ideas instilled by the framers of occultist measure, strategies for manipulating and controlling the general public at large, and making sure people are afraid of each other instead of loving one another. But, the fact of the matter is that hardly anyone truly cares anymore because they've been broken down by all the lies they grew up to believe that all was just brainwashing methods and getting people to cooperate with the big evil plan for the world. And, I think their bloody ideas can get F%%^&d and I don't really care how it sounds.

It's about time people rise up and use social media as a tool to get truth out there, because censorship in it of itself is the hate speech. People should be able to talk about whatever they need to talk about... even if it has to do with the war on the human spirit and on human life. The war on children, and the war for merely making a decent wage, and making a living. I miss the times that people genuinely seemed as though these things were really possible. Life changing things can happen and happen on time for people to feel the American Dream or whatever the F%$# you want to call it. But, either way... losing the American reference to that in a BIG TIME WAY, because America has become so fascist and backwards it's insane. And, I don't meet many people that won't agree with me on the fact, that much of these legal methods are only there to make CERTAIN that people are being disenfranchised and things are being employed in a FOR PROFIT SYSTEM that is only designed to do one thing. And that one thing is breaking the human spirit down so greatly, that it can't even see the other side of it. People in places and doing things that no one see's but everyone knows about, and that's completely taking everything away from these kids. Take away their youth, their dreams, and shatter their chance of ever getting to speak truly and freely about the actual things that are on these kids' minds these days.

I love to write because it ensures that something is left untarnished and alone - no matter what was said in writing to the world around them, or the world in front of them. I simply don't care if someone wants to talk about, or post things that go against a communities standard when the real fact of the matter is with a true and free space that's created for a social media, and left alone by the tech giants - could and would actually change the world for good. But, instead of tech giants just owning the platform and all the earnings that you are creating through posting on their sites, going to the tech giants, they could and should go to everyone. But the idea is being smothered because they know if we were all actually able to speak freely and without censorship - there would be just that many more millions of people who feel that this worlds opinion about how the world should be run - it's just an utter JOKE!

I advise people look into things like holistics, and murdered doctors to keep covering up the truth. Look into deep state technology and read up on everything conspiratorial before you all jump to conclusion that there isn't nefarious activities being currently employed by our very own - really messed up - or hacked authoritarian nut job government all about control and does not uphold any natural laws. It's just that in it of itself that needs to stop being censored. Let people the freedom of their own minds capacity to think without restriction.

If there is a war on humanity and we're all too stupid to see it, before it wrecks us - I think you have every damn right to speak your mind and to know the difference of what you're fighting for. Autonomy of government? Leave the people the fuck alone!

I think they know that they alter life, and it's all with a huge plan that is not safe for humanity, and it's already placed so much at stake with the Virus scare and all of that nonsense. It's just that, they created it and they know that we know they did and they will still deny and act as though they have nothing to do with it, until the next scare! Frightening ass world we live in! I'm ashamed of humanity for allowing all of this mask mandate crap to even continue to go on. I don't believe that the science is right, and I certainly don't agree with using witchcraft to get health, because health can only come from our lifestyles and our choices, but also being able to be autonomous in our decisions for what is best for us.

The world we live in makes writing completely useful, necessary and needed to be done so people are allowed to create their own voices and make their own opinions about things, instead of having them force fed to us over the news media and the content that is all about what fear story they can create. Pull off the next 9/11. It was an inside job simply because too many people wrote miraculously about it, and had all the facts in tact. I've seen footage and footage removed. Pertinent content creators that had all the bullet points to prove their point to be factually true... through the use of science and mathematics to get to know the days ahead of 9/11, and the days behind 9/11. It was a day that, our own government must have wanted to cover up some tracks and selling the building just before the fall and people pulling out all their funds days before the attack. Every single thing about the mainstream narrative I question, and I question it all to the T. I just know this... if you believe the mainstream media on just about anything as they censor real people with real proof about certain evils running the country - you'd be getting mad enough to rise up. It's about damn TIME that WE DO! And, RISE UP!

If words are ever used to incite violence against the powers that be, I believe that even those words are a human right. So just be truly leery about the kind of juncture we're at in life when it comes to the legal system and the healthcare system. These both are huge parties involved in what I would call war crimes. It's literally practicing medicine on people - without knowing the outcomes and having no accountability when something does happen bad because of the effects of medications or the deaths that have occurred already where people never ever had representation for the damages they've caused and up to, and including death on the crap they want to throw into everyone's bodies.

All I'm saying is that I think people are going to start dropping like flies in 3 years from now, and you aren't going to see it stop unless people who are trying to earn the right to stand on their own bloody choices in life, who aren't - simply because they want to place foreign crap inside of people and tell them that it's what they all need. It's a joke!