Loyalty is a weird thing. It is a very admirable trait to have, however, when in a world that selling out is the norm, it is very dangerous.
When you are loyal to someone, and they are loyal to you, then it become a great synergistic bond, where the two of you can do more than either alone.
This is great! This is the best!
The biggest problem with being a loyal type person is that you see everything through "you" colored glasses. You assume other people have some loyalty. You believe the scale goes from:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No loyalty <---------|----------> High loyalty
You believe that a company you are working for, or a company you are buying from actually cares (at least a little bit) for you.
When in actuality the scale goes from:
Neg loyalty <----------------No loyalty -----------------> High loyalty
There are people actually out to screw you over. And want nothing more then for you to put your trust and loyalty in you.
In most jobs, you will find people that really want to use you. But, for the most part, you will find people that really do not care. They have no loyalty at all. The job is a job. You are a coworker in passing.
So, be aware that you are seeing the world through tinted glasses and make adjustments. I strongly suggest learning how much you can give, and never giving more than that. At this level, you can sustain your giving, and even if the other person turns out to be evil (or just untrustworthy) then you will not fall apart.
Reputation. If you have a bad reputation your receive little or no loyalty.
So true.. Sad really.. But that isn't just SteemIt, that's how it is in life too isn't it?
Thank you for the response.
I am a member of the church of the monkeysphere.
All hail Dunbar's number least you be cast into the pit of a behavioral sink and dwell in Rat Utopia forever.
Thank you for the great comment and or course the vote.@builderofcastles I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately I believe my loyalty to be one of my best traits. It's also something I look for in others, but most of the time you don't know if someone is loyal to you until it's too late. I know I'm looking at the world through tinted glasses but it's very hard to take them off. Even if I manage to take them off for a time I still feel the need to be loyal to others in the hopes that one day it will be returned in kind.