Some notes on nonconformity, brought to you by not enough Wetterhorn wheat beer and a touch too much madness

in #writing4 years ago
You're wrong and that's ridiculous.

If I'd wanted your jumped-to conclusion about the quality of this work based on nothing but the title like that, then I would have jumped to the conclusion that you weren't going to jump to a conclusion about it and I would have demanded that you jump to one immediately, but of course I'd have been wrong that you were about to jump to the wrong conclusion without me wanting you to because you just demonstrated that you would absolutely do so by actually doing it you halfwit.

I'm sure you see the problem here. I didn't jump and wasn't wrong, but you did and are.

What's it like to be on the wrong side of right? Are you left feeling down about how messed up your head is?

Society has no place for rash illiterates like you. You should leave.


Restless spirits.

I haven't had a proper shower for about a week now but it's also been raining almost nonstop for about just as long so that should count for something. Water wilts down my windshield as I write this sentence praying for cloudbreak and a dry place to pitch my tent. I can feel the San Juans on my skin, sticky like honey but not as sweet if I'm correctly reading the body language of my fellow humans. I don't care what they think, we'll all be dead in a few decades anyway and then it won't matter so much.

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Your landlord.
Your landlord who?
Your landlord who is evicting you. Here's your notice.
That's not funny.
It's not meant to be. You've got 30 days to vacate the premises.

Got a beer and a half inside me because I heard that's how you get inspiration, which is a thing I really need to get before the money runs out and an actual job becomes the thing that needs to be got. I will also need to get another beer pretty soon here but I'm out and all three of the local liquor stores are closed so I suppose the saloon'll have to do.


Re: my whereabouts.

It's been a bevy of roads towns coffee shops bars and solitary campsites since I left Denver. Of course I had to leave, the big city's not my style no question about it, but speaking of questions the question was and still is, where next? Anywhere with mountains, I guess. Sometimes I just let the car decide and next thing I know the sun's waking me up at treeline next to some rocky old godforsaken forest service road so faint and overgrown I can scarcely find its direction.

Where in hell are we, Yolo McFukitol? How in hell did you even get us up here, and how do you propose we get back down?

Pause the music and all conversation in here please. I just wanted to drink and write and be normal but now I'm stuck staring at the shipworm holes in this repurposed Sitka spruce tabletop and I can feel the eyes of others staring holes in me. I'm not paranoid I'm normal. I smell a cop. Is today the day they finally try to kidnap me? I would rather die than live in a cage.




Reckless Arrangements™, right around the corner.

Hypothetically now, what if we just:

  • quit paying rent and disappeared ourselves from our apartment
  • drove to the mountains with no home but a tent
  • shredded the credit cards and stopped making payments
  • told the taxman to go fuck himself
  • bought a gun for when they come for us

If I didn't have two and a half beers inside me those would all sound like incredibly bad ideas but I do so they don't. Yes please I will have another but can you please turn down the music and tell everyone to stop talking?

I think she's got the hots for you, man
Maybe but you gotta be careful with bartenders, they're just after the tip you know
That's what she said

Make it stop.

Hey we're gonna go over to Packer's after this
Who's Packer?
The guy who ate people

Make it stop.

If the men's is closed you can just go in the women's, nobody cares around here

I should leave.

Everything, wrecked:


YMF whines his way up to Engineer Pass like I'm the Evel Knievel of Subaru drivers but I'm not buying it.


Don't be ridiculous, YMF.


This road is actually quite good compared to some of the ones we've woken up next to so I'm not sure what you're complaining about. No I don't care if you're low on gas we've got three gallons to spare in the cargo box and don't pretend you don't know it. No I don't care if you think the road's steep that's why they made you with AWD and low gear. No I don't care that you're pushing retirement age in car years I just got you brand new CV axles and brake pads and you're not gonna need a new head gasket for at least another 20k. Just shut up hold my beer you do your thing I'll do mine the pass is right around the corner.



Here we are.

I wasn't wrong, right?

I told you if we left Denver the mountains would be down for anything we'd be up for.

Don't know about you but this is my kind of society.

Want to jump to any conclusions with me?


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🚙 🏕 🌈 ⛰

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6-29-21. Where next, YMF?


Should I.. I shouldn't.. Should I.. fuck it, what's YMF? It's nice to see you producing again. I don't miss you or anything, relax, just your content.

East Tennessee. Hills and mountains make phone service difficult and I've yet to figure out what they do here for money but apparently it isn't an issue. Nobody works.

YMF = Yolo McFukitol = my car :)

I'm gonna be in East Tennessee for a bit this winter. I'd offer to buy you a beer while I'm there but I know yall don't drink ;)

I don't work either. All I do all day is pick money off the money trees.

I'll throw down a glass of water with you anywhere. On the rocks even.

YMF.. Knew I should've known.

wow. You struck some serious gold with those two and a half beers. I am officially a fan of Yolo McFukitol. Nice pictures, too.

Thanks very much! Wish that was literal gold - if I keep rockhounding in the right places then maybe it will be someday. I'll pass your compliment on to YMF :)