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RE: How I got into prepping

in #writing8 years ago

Great post geordieprepper, I amazed every day just how many people appear to be totally oblivious to prepping. They just can't seem to grasp the logic of it.
I was born 1940 prepping was our way of life, there wasn't any name for it then, it was just called living. We didn't have indoor water or plumbing, oil lamps were our source of light. Wood stove heated our house, root cellar was basically our cold storage. We stored ice in the winter, and wood in the summer. Never had a bank acct till I was 20.
To this day I've never had a sweat if the water or power went down.
Seems we were always PREPARED just in case. Again great post! ....................billytwohearts


Thanks :). Yes they are totally oblivious and I just shake my head when their end of the world crisis is that they can't connect their smartphone to WiFi or that the electricity goes out and their biggest concern is they are going to miss 'Gossip' on FaceBook. The priorities of those coming into the world, their complete lack of skill and interest in what made their predecessors get through and enjoy life is very concerning. I used to feel sorry for these people because when a real emergency happens they are going to suffer and suffer in the worst ways, but I have to prioritise my time on myself and on those that are open to prepping in the first place, I can't help everyone but maybe I can help some people.