Will Access to Nature be Privileged in the Future?

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

Sunlight sparkling off the sea.

Humoring my imagination...

In time I believe luxury will be measured in how much nature a person has access to. Perhaps we will all be moved into condo/apartment type buildings in congested cities (maybe that’s what China’s Ghost Cities are for!), and the privileged shall live in the countryside. They shall have ample access to mother nature ensuring well being and replenishment of chakral energy.

I sometimes wonder if that’s where we’re headed.

People are beginning to realize that well-being is the greatest wealth. That there is something wholesome and irreplaceable about nature, the way it nurtures and heals us. There is a connection, and an awakened society I think, means appreciation and realization of how priceless natural resources are. Nothing compares to drinking pure glacial water from a stream or eating an apple off the tree.

Driving through the Canadian Rocky Mountains.

I love the ocean but often find myself longing for the mountains. Perhaps it's some innate need for different energy flow. I consider the ocean ebbing and always flowing, helping with or bringing about change. The mountains, strong foundations that guide and support offering stability.

So maybe soon wealth will be measured in terms of “How often are you able to enjoy nature??”, “You’re so lucky you have a lake close-by!”, camp outs, summer cottages, and winter cabins. While the rest live in concrete jungles.

I have wild imagination.
I also watched the Hunger Games last night, so…yeah.

*Images are my own :)


just a thought...2/3rds of the planet is covered in water.

The diver in me rejoices! 💦

Upvoted, resteemed and followedHi @bellekaur great post , agreed, there is chinese proverb that says : " Happiness is the balance between the sky , the nature and the human" . Today some of us still have the choice between living in nature or in urban jungles, some don't. But i think there is hope with the development of cryptocurrency like Steem and community like we have in Steemit :-)

I really like that proverb! It's all about Chi! I'd choose to live in nature if I could. Hopefully Steemit shall get me there! 💪🏼😅

There's a thought! Time we start appreciating what we have.

I appreciate you! 😘

This was beautiful! And a bit terrifying. I wish we all turn back to nature and start appreciating and preserving it more.

Ugh, I felt the same! That dread.

Soon in China.

thanks for that, I love to be in nature, and dont like huge dirty cites :O

haha #sorrynotsorry? 😅 i know exactly what you mean though 😩

You're right I feel the same way. Shouldn't take these things for granted.. Cool article @bellekaur ...following u

thanks buddy! following you too

Totally agree! It's incredible how hard it is to take time away from the city nowadays. However it's getting harsher in the city too, with the gentrification process happening. I see this is getting very serious where I live (Lisbon, Portugal). Lisbon people are being expelled from their homes for the Airbnb/hostel takeover and fast. A lot of well educated people having to live on the streets because of the whole tech startup thing. We have no option but to move to the countryside but still have to slave away in city jobs and commute for hours... this Brave New World kind of sucks.

So sorry I just saw this! That's really sad. Why are people being expelled from cities? Shouldn't the Airbnb/hostel trend actually be helping? I was under the impression tech start ups/Airbnb's were actually helping locals improve on standard of living, not making things more difficult. :(