Writers Block

in #writing9 years ago

It happens to all of us and sometimes it gets really frustrating. What I usually do is stay away from writing for a while (1-2 days) and then get back on. You may already be getting it on Steem because sometimes you have to write about the same thing over and over again but just in a different style of writing.You can't just post about sports or Television , only if you are really good at writing and you can express your thinking on the subject in a manner which isn't how we all would write about then you would earn some good money. There aren't many people who have this amount of writing skill , but now there are more and more people joining Steem which is great for all of us and it makes the community a better one.

I don't write on "good" topics , I just find what interests me and I guess that it doesn't interest you guys. So I usually need to use my brain to it's limits to provide a great post and that takes a lot of strain. Currently I am writing on notepad as that helps me out a bit , also because steemit is down and I was in the mood to write a long post. My experiences with writers block haven't been the best and I really get frustrated with it. I have broken a lot of keyboards and pens in the process of my writing career (which is short and unsuccessful) but it has occurred to me that it is of no use , and i'm losing money by doing it. You may not see in posts but some people spend hours and hours creating a post that is of good quality and they hardly get upvotes.

I have been writing this page over the duration of 1 hour but this is one of my worst thought out posts , and that may be because of writers block. I hope you all a very good experiecnce on steem and hopefully we can all have a great day.

Steem on Steemers! - Azaan


Don't write for impression, but rather to share.

I couldn't agree more! Sometime we all get lost in the economics of all this, we forget what's most important.

First of all, hello and thanks in regard for taking your time in order to get useful content for everyone. I'm also a non-profesional writer (already got my 1st novel finished, but I'm in short budget, so lot of work to do myself yet).
Whenever I hear someone speaking about "writing blocks", I kind of get annoyed. The masin problem today is that writing is not often seen as "job work", not even by the writer himself, so it becomes more often than not a "hobbie work", which means you'll always have something better to do, so no mnatter how hard yo try to sit on your your writing job because you'll be indeed willing to do something else. I dont know if that happens to you, but I've been registered in some writing forums for the last years, and I swear thos "writer blocks" are almost always a lack of discipline rather than a lack of capability.

I'm myself kind of stucked now, as I've been placing my writing job away due to the finals for my degree, and now I find dificult to focus and keep going. I've been trough this before and I'm not worried anyways; it will keep going better till I get my writing discipline back.

To me (may not work for everyone, though), the key to get your habit is focusing first in little pieces and then working on how to put them together. This wont require much of a constant job, but rather short dosis of intensive one that will eventually lead you to a more confortable routine.

This may be done writing reviews, news, short storis... that's up to you and your preferences, no doubt. Remember to always read your own writings in order to seach for your weaknesses and strong points.
I'm not sure if that may help you, but I hope it will.

I wish you the best of lucks : )

One way to get through writer's block is to brainstorm around your idea. In other words, look around your room and try to associate the objects that you see with the item you are writing about. I know this may sound silly, but these associations can open new channels for creativity.

Another thing you can do that is very important is to take a break. While taking this break, go outside and look at the world around you. Go to a park or a popular place. While there, try to associate what you see with the topic you are writing about. Try to find relationships between the two.

These exercises are a good way to break through writer's block and gather new ideas. Try them for yourself and see that they can help you move through this obstacle and generate new and exciting content.

Writer's block is a real pain. Sometimes I wish we can hack our brains to bypass it so that the term "writer's block" would be left for the history books. Write on!

Everyone goes through it. I find it that when I drive around my neighborhood or someone else's ideas start coming to me....turn he radio on and roll your window down....something will come at you. It's alright we steelers are here for you.

Yeah lol. Ideas, ideas.