We often face totally different situations, situations whose difficulty varies according to the different events that occur in our day, these situations test our character and our strength to do things, there are days so simple that they only leave us a trace of satisfaction in our face and that allows us to take and create pleasant situations, these situations provide us with fun moments, pleasant moments, moments of awe and significant moments, but there are days when our mind, our attitude, our temper and sometimes our body are subjected to totally rough days.
These days are the ones that give us the most learning, those days in which unfortunate events happen to us and threaten our tranquility, those long days that only allow us to breathe once when with so many things that we do, those days that end up becoming a week and months facing terrible situations, hurried and full of pressure only make our day a complete challenge, those rhythms of life so strong that surrounds us are like a kind of filter, it is like a kind of game, in which our way of seeing the things will allow us to survive.
The one who loosens, the one who surrenders, the one who falls asleep, is only absorbed and dragged until finally he is taken to the drowned shore and full of sand while they lament, how many people do not complain that everything is difficult and they only resign themselves to sit down and say they can not, to say that it is too much and the most abominable, to spread to those who are struggling to continue, how many people want the world without moving a finger waiting for solutions to come from the sky, Tell me, do you know anyone in your life like that? Surely yes.

Even when there are people in life whose fate gives them a better panorama in their favor, a simpler environment, sooner or later they will be subjected to harsh tests that will judge them to know if they are still worthy of being followed in such favorable conditions and if they surpass them and learn from them will be later more resistant, for example people who grow up with everything and then lose it or the typical wealthy family that goes through hard economic times, otherwise they will be sentenced and repeat the same situation.
These days they haunt us all, so we must be strong, resistant, we must forge our character, resist each blow, be as solid as the tree that survives a hurricane, because lowering the guard is not an option for those who want something, our attitude to these situations and the ability to make good decisions give us strength to move forward, many face it in different ways, some have the blessing of seeing things from a calmer perspective by going with the flow and only address while they go the way , others simply play climbing on foot until they reach the top, some are knocked down, mistreated and beaten, but even with all that pain they get up injured, surprised or confused, they keep walking until they recover their rhythm.

Let's always be strong in any situation that comes our way, do not stay on the floor crying or depressed, because when these days we are flogged, we can enjoy those simple days, we can even create our simple days, and while we smile and talk with other people , we can remember those hard days with a big smile.
This is an encouraging read @artcurocl21.
But you need to improve your writing a little. Break up your long paragraphs!!
That will allow the reader to catch some breath!!
Otherwise this is a motivation write.
Thank you very much!!:)
i will keep in my mind for future post
It is ok. Starting can be a little hard, and it takes time to learn. You will acclimatize finally. Until then, steem on!