Don't be a Writing Zero, Be a Steemit HERO!

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

75 thousand words in a month. I had already spent my small advance so I had to perform. It was a post apocalyptic fiction novel and I was under strict contract.

Three weeks in I hit writers block so hard I had a concussion.

For three days I stared at my screen and produced… nothing. Nada. Zilch.

I TRIED to create. I really did. But it was all worthless trash I wouldn’t donate to the local thrift store. You know that old adage “One mans trash is another mans treasure?” Not the cr&p I was producing.

I really started getting nervous the third day. To make a word count of 75K in a month, that’s about 2350 words per day.

And they all had to match.

Suddenly it dawned on me- I had to switch it up. My instincts told me SHUT DOWN THE COMPUTER AND STEP AWAY FROM THE OFFICE.

I gathered my notebook and pencil and stepped out into the brisk fall air. There was a little karaoke bar just a couple blocks away tucked into a corner alley, so I headed there. I’d drink a couple watered down cocktails and jot off a few stories inspired by the off tune belting masses.

You know, shake it up a bit.

It was a packed little joint. I was lucky to slide into an open stool beside the waitress station. I ordered a beverage and looked around. It was a gloriously inharmonious cacophony of contrary tunes.

And it was just what I needed.

I put pencil to paper and the words started flowing like promises from a candidates lips. The racket dissipated into a dull hum in the back of my awareness as I was transported to the world I was creating.

Several pages in I became aware of a nearby presence. I looked up to see a swaying man trying to determine which of the me’s he was seeing should be the one to focus his eyes upon. His pores must have been secreting whiskey so as to prevent alcohol poisoning- I had to hold my breath. Apparently he had been trying to keep balance right beside me for 6 songs- I was in his seat.

How did I not know?

Of course I gave his seat back to him but the moral of that story is I was so into my work that everything around me was on pause. I was in a loud bar with a smelly man who was threatening to pass out and take me out with him, but I was unawares.

I went home when the bar closed, transcribed my handwritten tale into Word, and continued to write for another hour or so.

Writers block does not have to inflame your good intentions and turn you into a junk churning sewage monster! If it attacks, fight back with a smile on your face, knowing you will prevail, and songs will be sung in your honor.

1. Different is Good

If you have writers block, or lack inspiration, switch it up! That day I traded my quiet office and computer keyboard for a pencil and notebook and loud bar. If you usually work in your bedroom take it to the living room, or a local coffeeshop. If you’re really lacking inspiration go to the zoo. People and animal watching there is guaranteed to strike some creativity in you!

2. Free Write

If you can’t think of something to write about, just start writing anyway. Free you mind and just let the pencil move without thought. Set a timer for 15 minutes. Do not stop writing. When the timer beeps read what you wrote. Something in there will spark an idea.

3. Read

Head over to the trending section and read what happening. Take a stroll through Discord and chat with fellow Steemians. Pick up that novel you bought last month and have been dying to find the time to read. To be a great writer you have to read. Fiction, non fiction, news- you never know where inspiration will strike so I just read everything.

4. Don’t Write

Do something else. Anything else. Check out a new show on Netflix. Take a walk. Go across town and visit your friend you’ve been neglecting. (While you’re there you can show her your Steem stats and try to get her to sign up. Again.) Just step away from your computer and go do something else.

5. Take a Shower

Or a dip in the pool. Water and the area surrounding it has negative ions which help balance, renew and recharge.

Don't be a writing zero! Be a Steemit HERO!

Writing is hard work. There’s no doubt about that. But it doesn’t have to be frustrating. Write on Steemians!

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I am sort of lucky in a sense. I'm an experience based writer and mostly write out what I've been through. I'm nearly 40, so that's a lot I can write about! I also have my book that I'm writing I can steal content from and a blog with more than 400 articles. Haha! Lucky, I guess :)

Fortunate yes, but also smart. "You can only write what you know" is true, however we each know more than we think sometimes. With a little thought we can turn each memory and experience into something...

What kind of book are you writing?

That's very true.

I'm writing about how I went from being classified as a Paranoid Schizophrenic and in a Psych ward, to being given a full bill of head health, led teams, won awards, etc, etc, you know, the normal tale of self-win. I write it though so that hopefully bits of it here and there help someone. One person will be a win for me! :)

I want a link when it's ready. Are you going the traditional publishing route?

No. Amazon self publish. I don't actually expect to sell that many hahaa

Be sure to use both CreateSpace and Kindle Direct publishing. And talk about it in mental health forums, The Mighty, etc... You'll get some, if not many..

Ohh. Thank you for the tip. Are you an experienced writer?

If you give me an email at I'll give you a link to my facebook and I'll send you what I have already if you're interested! Plus I'd love to collaborate on a more personal level! You have an interesting life :)

What a helpful post. Thank you for letting me be a part of your journey. I am blocked but am writing anyway. I don't think it's coming out the way I want it to but I guess it's no skin off my back. I still havent been able to get that chat thing to find you yet. maybe you could friend request me on it??? Glad you have ways and have found inspiration. Is it ok for me to ask what you are writing about right now?

On discord? Go into the General room right now and just write Hi, I'll see you

it's not letting me into any so I created one called steemit

Are you on

I searched for "discord chat" and It got all of the same results for the same app. so I downloaded it the other night and haven't been able to get it to do anything.

Look on here for a link, try that...

here's my user name. see if you can add me. creativeusername#4896 It is discordapp and all of that

I am in General Chat right now. Look over to the right and look for my name. Left click it then send me a msg

it shows no names on mine. I'm in the help section and it says to add you I need your discord tag. I've tried the directions as listed in the help section and it's still not working. Although from the comments it seems that happens a lot lol
It isn't let me chat in anything yet besides the server I created called steemit. Here's a link if that helps

Right now I am writing a novel. A series actually. Inspired by true events you ay have read a bit about here when I first joined ;)

That'll be awesome. I LOVE your work :)

Thank you!

ha ha adorable gif. so I uninstalled and reinstalled from the link you gave me and It won't download and keeps getting errors. Have you tried It's back up and working again

Hm, Make a post here and tag asksteemit Or ask in discord. I have no clue. Oh, did you register after you downloaded? Register your username on discord?

I did the first time. Then when I uninstalled and reinstalled it I keep getting an error message. It won't finish so I can't get on there. I take it is a no then?

Love thissss ....Love the post my friend foloowwww for a followwwwww let's take over the steem empire we can promote each other

Welcome to the community! And thanks for your support :)

I am working on this 16 hours a day trying to make this work, but it does get very frustrating.

I a a firm believer that you will get from Steemit what you put into it. Great things take time, keep going, and write every day. You WILL get there :)

Thanks !!!

Of course :) And great to meet you!

This is terrific advice. I've been a freelance writer since 2002, have published two novels, and am writing a third one. Every now and then, the best thing to do is either to step away from the computer for a while, or just write something, anything, and go back and edit it later.

I've found with writing novels, it often takes the whole first draft to even know what your book is really about. It usually ends up being something far different than you imagined when you started it....and BETTER. :)

Oh my goodness, I resemble that remark! Your characters are like kids. You nurture them, watch them grow and tell the what to say and do. But, halfway thru the novel you realize they have grown and matured so much so that they are making their own decisions and determining the course of their own lives! You try to bring them back to your original plans, but lo and behold they are their own now, lol! And completely take their story a whole other direction than you, the parent, envisioned when they were infants :)

That's so true. I'm finding it to be especially true with my third novel, which I'm writing right now. The characters have taken on such lives of their own, and the story has taken some unexpected turns even I didn't see coming, it's like I'm reading it as I'm writing it. I can't wait to get back to working on it to discover what happens next. :)

So awesome! This is probably my absolute favorite reason for writing fiction :) Good luck, and have fun watching your little creations grow! And please share the link when it's completed :)

Thanks! I will. And, you can find the link to my website, which has links to my first two novels on Amazon on it, on the main page of my blog here on Steemit. ;)

Thank you!

My pleasure. ;)

Good instruction for free to become a writer. I’ve read it twice to smoothly move alongside your thinking.

Thank you. I find any of these help when I am in a bind!

Writing takes a huge amount of brain power - and it's not something that can always be brute forced, because we need experience and creativity and focus to converge to a point. Taking a break helps because it activates something called the default mode network, which is only active when you AREN'T focused on a problem, but is also incredibly beneficial to memory work and creativity. I used to feel so guilty for taking breaks, but taking a break or a shower isn't giving up - it may actually be a crucial part of the entire process.

Because even when you're not writing, you're still doing writing work.

Very true. Try not to allow yourself to feel guilty- its self sabotage ! As you said, even when not writing you are still, always, doing writing work.

love it

Thank you so much :)

I love what you have put together, i want to tell you keep up all the amazing work!

Thanks you @midgeteg :) I appreciate your encouragement!

"Writing is hard work", but it's honest work when it comes from the heart.

I agree that sometimes the best thing you can do is walk away from it for a little while.

I felt a little Mickey Spillane there with the smokey club. ;-)

Ah, yessss...


We really need to be shook up from time to time!

True that! It's good for the soul :)

Upvoted and followed!

Thank you! Great to meet you :)

Like promises from a candidates lips......... hahahaha. If this helps it made me laugh quite a bit. Your post still has a smell of whiskey. And the last Gif with rock and his fanny pack. Oh god this was good

Hehehe I HAD to put the Rock in there, I couldn't not...

Glad I was able to extract more than a few chuckles ;)

Do you write novels ? Where can I find your work ?

I have only published non fiction, this is my first fiction that will be published. You can find The City Girl's Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse at amazon, wlamart, barnes and nobel- wherever you like to shop. Kindle or paperback :)

Found it, read all the reviews. Love the subject. Hope it never happens. Took me to your face book page and YouTube toenail removal. Lmao... rumblings of life..... funny and delightful. Thanks

Oh man, that "doctor"? Sado Masochist. He had no reason for doing what he did except he likes to dole out pain! My poor kid was hurting for months!

Being a doctor ( not a toenaildoctor) , I understand your feelings. My patients think better of me ( I hope) . I have reviews online to prove it.

Go post - upvoted :)

I have a lot of appreciation for people who can write - you are one of them.

Thank you, that means a lot :)