What do you think about David Wilcock and the Gaia stuff?

in #writing6 years ago

What do you peoples think about the David Wilcock dude?
I was browsing YouTube the other night and clicked on one of his recent videos right as I was about to go to sleep and..

Was pretty interesting/intriguing stuff. I ended up listening to it until I fell asleep and didn't finish the whole thing but.. He was merging secret societies with the UFO/alien phenomena in a way I haven't seen done very well before.

In the past I've avoided this guy and the Gaia network cause it just gave me a weird feeling the way they were pushing it with advertisements on YouTube.

Didn't feel right. I never actually really watched much of anything from them until this vid the other night and was surprised that the dude actually has a good grasp on secret societies and speaks confidently about such as if he "knows".
That's the catch though, does he really know? Or is he just speaking that way?

The world is full of people who speak of things as if they know, and those who follow and believe those people.
The more confident you sound in your beliefs, the more other people tend to follow, even if you're wrong..

There's just something about people who confidently believe something and those who are weak in their own beliefs and who are wanting to sort of "belong" and they tend to gravitate towards those who seem like they know what's going on.

Yet.. Almost everything David was saying about secret societies lined up, and he speaks in such a confident way.. You gotta wonder. Is he just pulling stuff off the internet like me? Or is he really getting some high level info from others?

And it seems like that's one of the main pulls of the Gaia people is they have "whistleblowers" who claim amazing things, yet.. In the end.. Those are just claims and anyone can claim anything.
As much as I believe in aliens and that we have been visited for a long time, there's no 100% proof in the public domain of this that I'm aware of and I've looked.

So when people speak as if these things are facts it just really makes me wonder.. Do they know something I don't? Or are they just pretending they know something I don't?
Ultimately though something that really interested me about his speech and I wanna finish it later is how he talked about a strong connection between secret societies and the ET world.

He even went as far to say something to the extent that the peoples in the Illuminati and other secret societies, or some of them.. "Know" that they are aliens from elsewhere because of ancient texts they inherited which say that all white people came from a planet that blew up next to Mars or something like that..

Really far out there stuff that's hard to accept on just faith and words alone. Yet.. If true, it helps make a LOT of stuff we see in human history make a lot more sense.

He was claiming that the "elite" believe white people are descendant of aliens and "higher" and thus more valuable than other races, which is basically racism.. Yet.. What if there is something more to it?
Why was Hitler and the Nazi's so determined to find this blue eyed blond hair master race of ancient peoples..?

And why have things like the KKK which translates into the "circle" or "church" become so powerful?
After the council of Nicea it seems like the Romans perverted the bible and made it all about white men. Women, other ethnicities and animals took a back seat from that point whereas earlier gospels showed much more inclusivity and respect and love towards non white men.

So.. I mean.. Racism is still very alive today, the wars being fought would not be waged in the ways they are if many of the soldiers and populace didn't think those people in far off lands weren't inferior.

IE, I was told by my old friend in the military right after 9/11 that when he was in training, they were desensitizing the troops to Muslims and people in that part of the world by giving them racist names.

Now.. For a little history lesson, our governments in modern times have killed around the same amount of people in the Middle East as Hitler and the Nazis's did of Jews during WW2.
What has changed really? Other than peoples refusal to look at history and see the similarities?

So many proud Americans tend to see Hitler and the Nazi's as the worst most evil villain in history even though others have higher kill counts.

YET.. Those proud Americans themselves fail to realize that they themselves are carrying out a genocide that is very similar in not only numbers of dead innocent people, but also in the attitude and psychology that went into killing them.

This ALSO goes back to the founding of America itself where many of the founding fathers referring to the natives as basically animals and that they needed to be wiped out.

Now.. What if to the elite, it's not really about race at all? But.. Whole different species? Maybe the people in power literally aren't racist in the sense we typically think, but rather.. They think they are a totally different and higher evolved species.. Not even sharing the same race as other humans.

That's kind of a mind trip to think about, though.. I think there may really be a good amount of truth to this the more I think about it..
It also sort of reminds me of the movie "They Live" as well.. But.. Yeah.. Maybe the people in power literally believe they are a different species..? And maybe some of them even are?

I dunno. Maybe it's all just a bunch of bunk. I still get a weird feeling from this Wilcock fellow.
I need more information, I'm still very open minded to the possibilities and admit I have no idea what's really going on.

It does seem like there are more and more sightings and people claiming contact though.. I could be wrong, but I just have a feeling that during my lifetime.. We will learn that there are other "beings" out there not far from us, probably visiting us, and perhaps who have been visiting us since the beginning of human history.

Heck.. Maybe it's like some believe and the ET's actually created us, like we genetically clone and create creatures. Who knows.. I think it's fascinating to think about though. :)

PS.. Will include the link below to the vid I watched for anyone who is curious and may want to watch/listen.


I've never fully trusted Gaia. However David Wilcock knows his stuff. He has talked about his own complications with Gaia, but the knowledge that he has is too important to go to waste. I would suggest his 'Wisdom Teachings' show, I've learned so much!

David Wilcock is well qualified to speak on topics of the cosmos, he has substance. I really enjoy watching Gaia TV but of course choose carefully.

James Van Praagh is a psychic medium who has a show on Gaia and also appears in the film documentary PGS - Intuition Is Your Personal Guidance System.

Without writing a book here, I would point out that what we are taught is history is written by the victors who incorporated much of their war propaganda and ran with it.

There is a lot of disinformation regarding WW2 and Nazis and the U.S. Given Hitler escaped and many of the projects they were working on was brought here along with their scientists and doctors it seems to me that the nazi's might have won that war and simply changed geographical locations to the countries that supposedly were at war with them.


Then you find out that the new subjects for experiments from this was the public themselves, without our knowledge or consent. I have written a few articles on these experiments.



Sadly, the more down this hole you go the more evidence and whistleblowers you find. It just never gets coverage as they own the media and education system. They really do use the word programming correctly when referring to the T.V and such.

I too have wondered about aliens, as the Sumerian writings on our creation seem most likely, and one could easily view the legends called holy writings from antiquity to refer to certain groups being adopted to rule over the others for them.

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