Valentine's Day Adventure!

in #writinglast year

I took myself out on a Valentine's date a few days ago❤️ and...
Wow, wow... Wow.... I found some of the most amazing stuff I've ever found!

I sure am becoming quite the adventurer! :D
I just keep finding more and more awesome sorts of things and it keeps adding up to the point I can hardly believe it.

I'm going to be careful what I say right now and not share any pictures or much additional info until I find out if where I was was on private property or not.
If it does end up being on private property I will try to contact the owners and ask permission to film what I "rediscovered".

And... If it is on private property and the owners don't allow me to film... I will probably have to think about either going to the government or creating some kind of public group to put pressure on them to allow this information to be known.

I really don't want to get the government involved as a self proclaimed anarchist, but... I really think this is a special place full of historical significance that people deserve to know about, so... I dunno what to do and I guess we'll just see what happens and see what the Universe shows.

Also, I think there's more to discover there... I was already sore when I found it and then after hours more of exploring through rough terrain I was even more sore and tired and the sun light was going down and my arms and legs were just cut up and ripped up from all the pricker bushes, plus I had plans the next day and didn't want to be extremely sore and tired for that so I went home a lil early before it got to an extreme.

There were also some really epic synchronicities as well that just boggle my mind!
I'll have to save some of that for a later time though and tell that story later.

Once again I would say that there's definitely amazing adventures to be found out there! And... I have a feeling I'm going to find even more! :D Peace and tons of love always. ❤️




He who seeks will always find! You are a man of amazing luck. Or observation)))))

There is something to that saying, or at least in reverse... Someone who doesn't look won't find.
And, yes... It appears so! :) Thank you for the kind observation.

Wow, looks amazing 😍! Congrats on your discovery 💪!

Thanks! It's much appreciated. And, yeah Sedona sure is beautiful! :)

Hmm you're making me curious about what you found! If it was anthropological, you could contact the anthro department at ASU about it. If geological, maybe someone in the sciences at ASU or geology at UofA? Or the USGS.

Heh. I don't blame you. I'd be curious too! And, yes... I may end up going to those kinds of professionals at some point, but... Turns out it's on private property unfortunately, so I'm going to need to contact them and hopefully they allow me to film!