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RE: Learning Wisdom

in #writing5 months ago

Perhaps. I try not to look at people as being "good or bad" anymore.
These things are human opinion put onto the external world and may not reflect the divine "truth".

For example... When you look at a spider eating a fly, do you think the spider is evil? Are all animals that eat other animals evil? I think humans are animals too and they are doing similar sorts of things... It may be unpleasant for the victims, though... I don't necessarily think they are "evil".

To me, I think they are confused... They forgot their source of "love"... And are misguided, but... To get into the good/evil is to get into the duality of that concept and I'm trying to step outside of that whole system of thought.

Is there really a right or wrong? Or just our human perception of such?

All that being said, I resonate with the last couple lines of what you said and I try to treat others with love and respect and be honorable. It just feels better to me.

I don't need a fear of karma or hell or rewards of heaven... I just treat others with love cause it feels better to me than treating them poorly.

Thanks for the hug! hugs to you too!