Learning Wisdom

in #writing5 months ago

I more and more think there really is something to "Following your heart" and even if it doesn't work out in regard to whatever it is you "wanted", I think you can still feel a greater amount of peace knowing that you tried to pursue your passion than the kind of regrets that might haunt you the rest of your life if you didn't try and just accepted some kind of life that you dislike or worse.

I'm not completely 100% where I want to be yet in some respects, yet... I've been to some incredibly meaningful and beautiful places I never even knew existed and that most people don't know exist because I listened to my heart and I have a feeling it might even take me to some of the other places that I'd still like to see or experience before I'm done on this plane.

No amount of money can buy what I've experienced.
And, I didn't have to treat anyone like shit or screw anyone over to get here.

Not saying I'm perfect and I've never treated anyone poorly in my life, I think we all have... Just saying that oftentimes in this world people have a sort of ruthless "king of the hill" mentality and are willing to harm others to pretty extreme levels in order to get what they want. And, I've been able to sidestep that kind of mentality to a significant degree and find immeasurable beauty, enjoyment and fulfillment in life by trying to be "honorable" and doing what I think is right.

I could be wrong, but sometimes it feels like the Universe or God is rewarding me for doing my best to protect and retain my intuition, heart and love and to not let the hardness, callousness and cruelness of this world colden my concern and compassion too much.

I'm so happy and thankful to be here and hope to keep being here for a while, but even if something tragic happens... I'm still just so endlessly grateful that I got to be here as long as I did and learn some of these powerful wisdoms.

Even if I don't have a lot of money right now or "ever", I'm extremely rich in other ways... I have a pretty healthy body and mind and sense of morality and I have had a lot of time and good memories with my parents and other family and friends and I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world... Not to mention so many other positive things plus the stuff I'm not even ready to talk about yet.

I'll always be a bit troubled and sad about what happened to Amanda and all of the people and animals in this life who didn't get a "fair" hand so to speak, but... I've discovered that being grateful for the positive things in life and living my life is way better for everyone than to be depressed and rot away in my room dying a slow death, not really living much at all.

At least I'm alive again... I'm learning to be present and enjoy the moment and... There is great power in things like this.
K. I've said enough for today. Peace and much love. <3



"even if it doesn't work out in regard to whatever it is you "wanted", I think you can still feel a greater amount of peace knowing that you tried to pursue your passion than the kind of regrets that might haunt you the rest of your life if you didn't try and just accepted some kind of life that you dislike or worse" wise & very well said, i totally agree with this, i just read ur story sorry for amanda- she isn't n here but she's alive n another place, ur father & mother r doing well & u r having a good time with them- that's great u all take care.

Thank you for the feedback and kind words. I always kinda believed this deep down, but it took my whole life to really see it come to fruition.

I also believe she is alive in another place and I appreciate your condolences.

Yes, my family is doing pretty good for the time being and I'm thankful! I don't know you, but I hope you and your family are also doing good! :)

In this world there are good and bad people, they say that there are more good people, however, the way we are going it should be the opposite, there are those who dedicate themselves entirely to screwing others, that's what they do, I don't understand how they can sleep peacefully, I believe in KARMA and in aliens, they should take charge once and for all of so much evil in this world. A hug, I always like your positive energy

Perhaps. I try not to look at people as being "good or bad" anymore.
These things are human opinion put onto the external world and may not reflect the divine "truth".

For example... When you look at a spider eating a fly, do you think the spider is evil? Are all animals that eat other animals evil? I think humans are animals too and they are doing similar sorts of things... It may be unpleasant for the victims, though... I don't necessarily think they are "evil".

To me, I think they are confused... They forgot their source of "love"... And are misguided, but... To get into the good/evil is to get into the duality of that concept and I'm trying to step outside of that whole system of thought.

Is there really a right or wrong? Or just our human perception of such?

All that being said, I resonate with the last couple lines of what you said and I try to treat others with love and respect and be honorable. It just feels better to me.

I don't need a fear of karma or hell or rewards of heaven... I just treat others with love cause it feels better to me than treating them poorly.

Thanks for the hug! hugs to you too!